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A/N: I received a message from someone so just to clarify. The reason that I still put someone's P.O.V even though most of the text is in third person is due to the flashbacks. Whenever there is a flashback it is happening to the person who's P.O.V we were in. Sorry if I confused anyone

Taehyung's P.O.V

After finishing Taehyung's personal tour of Kyoto. The seven boys were exhausted and on their way back home.

"Taehyungie, I understand why you moved here. It's amazing!" Hoseok says cheerfully after spending an entire day exploring the place their dear friend has called home for four years.

"Seriously, I'm assuming you picked a house close to the art museum for a reason?" Namjoon snickers at the younger, who has always had a love for artwork

Tae just hummed in response. His heart is so warm listening to all of them talk amongst each other, sharing their day. He loves his life here, in Kyoto. He always wanted to move to Japan but he just never envisioned living here without BTS. Tae was always naïve in that aspect...he just kind of expected them to always live together. Even though he is the one who ripped that option from their paths.

FLASHBACK2013, two months before debut.

Jimin "We're all going to live here?"

Hoseok "But it's so small..."

Seokjin "How are we all supposed to fit our clothes in this place?"

Namjoon "We will just have to make do for now I guess..."

"Guys! Think of it this way, being so tight together like this just gives us more chances to spend time together." Tae says with a big boxy grin as he wraps his arms around his hyungs. "It may seem like it sucks right now but I bet pretty soon we won't be able to live without each other!"

The other boys just shrug their shoulders and laugh at Taehyung's excitement. He was surely the light in the group.


I wasn't wrong...it's really hard living without you guys. Tae feels his eyes watering as he remembers the beginning of this beautiful relationship all of the boys have. Quickly realizing he needs to hold back from crying. Everyone is leaving tomorrow...no time for tears!

Jungkook's P.O.V

"Jimin, what time is our flight tomorrow?"

"We have to be at the airport by noon!"

Jungkook just sighs...he really wishes they could stay just a little bit later. Lost in thought he catches a glimpse of the blonde that he can't stop thinking about—noticing one small tear sliding down his face. Why are you always sad, Tae? His phone rings, causing him to break his gaze away from the older.

"Oh, hey"

"Jeon Jungkook did you forget about me?"

Shit! "I'm so sorry Lisa! We just keep getting lost in time. It's pretty late so I'm just gonna head back with the hyungs okay? My flight is at noon tomorrow so I'll see you once I'm back in Seoul!"

He hears her disappointed sigh on the phone... I can't do this.

"Okay Kookie. I won't be home until Monday morning so let's have lunch then okay? I love you. I can't wait to see you."

"I'll see you then! Me too, Lisa."

He hangs up the phone releasing the breath he didn't realize he was holding in.

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