Starry Eyed

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Jimin's P.O.V

After his spontaneous idea of a friendship trip, all of the boys separated into their groups and parted ways at the door. Jimin with Seokjin—Namjoon, Hobi and Yoongi—Taehyung and Jungkook. Jimin is smiling from ear to ear as he sees his plan unfolding.

"You care to explain?" Seokjin just stares at Jimin with furrowed eyebrows

"What do you mean, hyung?"

"Oh idk why you were the one so adamant about not letting Jungkook hog Tae yet here you are sending them off on a trip together... hm?"

"Hey! It was all random!" Jimin pouts

"Oh please, I watched you carefully place the tiles down and you made sure they picked first. So spill it now before I rat you out to Yoongi."

Jimin lets out an exasperated sigh. "I don't know honestly. I've always had this feeling that Kookie and Tae are meant to be together. So I guess I'm just playing with fate a little bit. I know nothing will come of it, they're both happy in their relationships. Even just for a day I want to enjoy seeing them together." Blushing at how corny he sounds

"Ahhh, so we really are all on the same page. Well, unfortunately none of that matters. Tae is married and Jungkook will be too in 5 months. We shouldn't be encouraging any ideas, especially if it messes with their feelings." Jin grabs Jimin's shoulder with a pained look on his face "we already lost Tae once, I don't want it to happen again.. we just got him back chim..."

In that moment Jimin felt his heart breaking. He knew that he was foolish for thinking he would play matchmaker and they would run off and be together forever. This is real life not a movie.

"You're right... I'm sorry.. well too late now, I guess let's just hope they have a good time. It's only a couple hours until we meet at the park right?"

They both just shrug their shoulders and head off on their adventure.

Jungkook's P.O.V

The two boys set off down the street, unsure where they were heading. Jungkook felt his heart thumping every time Tae's hand or shoulder lightly brushed against his as they walked. I knew it would be hard but FUCK.

Taehyung noticed the way Jungkook was practically holding his breath. "Jungkook-ah? You alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine, didn't sleep much ya know?"

They both blush furiously as they start to laugh. As they carried on the day felt so natural. Suddenly it was as if the four years that separated them evaporated, like they were transported straight from that day to now.

After hours of walking around, looking at shops and goofing off. They finally reached somewhere to sit for lunch.

"Kookie what are you thinking, noodle shop or Italian?"

FLASHBACK - 6 years ago




"Pizza!! Tae we're in AMERICA, let's just eat something that isn't Asian okay?"

Tae just stands there pouting, quickly shifting to he best aegyo while batting his long lashes at Jungkook. Damn him for knowing exactly how to make the younger give in to anything he wanted.

"Fine, Ramen sounds good anyways!" Jungkook says while sticking his tongue out at the older.

"Yesss! Thank you Kookie!!" Tae says happily while jumping at the younger to embrace him in a warm hug

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