On My Way

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A/N: Steamy Contents ahead...also there will be a long texting conversation. So it will be in regular format not picture format. Just so you aren't confused. Let's get it.

p.s: Pied Piper is the song playing in my head while writing this. Just in case you're someone that likes music while you read.

6 days later

Taehyung P.O.V

Things had gotten a little better in the past week. Bogum was away for three days for work and came back to announce another lead role in a film. Which meant they were going out tonight. Tae was so excited. It's the first time in months that he and Bogum will get to go out and have a carefree night. Especially since Taehyung was going to be leaving for Korea in a week...he wanted to enjoy this weekend with his husband.

Tae and Jungkook talked several times about the upcoming trip. Things were super casual between them which made Tae feel great. At times he even managed to forget for a split second that he's irrevocably in love with the younger and just enjoyed talking to him.

Right now, however, Tae's focus was on re-igniting the flame between he and Bogum. After he convinced himself that the sex with Jungkook was only so good because he hadn't had it with Bogum in awhile.. he decided tonight would be perfect. Drunk Tae gets... needy... one night of great sex with my hot husband is exactly what I need to forget about that stupid muscle bunny and make things not awkward anymore.

With a devilish grin, Tae started to lay the groundwork for his plan to get laid. Bogum was out getting some last-minute things done so Tae took advantage of that time to clean their bedroom spotless. Making sure the fairy lights were plugged in behind the sheer tapestry. Ensuring to leave the lube easily accessible in the nightstand.

Happy with his work, he giggled and jumped in excitement, he finally got ready and called an Uber. They were meeting at the party.

Taehyung wasn't the biggest fan of Bogum's coworkers. They were all nice enough, he just felt like everyone was so focused on being perfect and he hated that. One of the things he loves and misses the most about his ex-band mates is the fact that they were so goofy and off the wall no matter where they went: it wasn't fake, it was genuine. A trait that all the people here seemed to lack.

Jungkook's P.O.V

"Kookie, watcha doin tonight?"

"I'm doing some video editing hyung, why what's up?"

"Joonie and I are going out, weren't sure if you wanted to join maybe find some nice eye candy" Seokjin wiggled his eyebrows suggestively but Jungkook didn't take the bait

"Thanks for the offer hyung but I'm okay, really. Have fun though!"

Jin pouted before leaving the room.

I hope I'm not like this forever... Kookie thought to himself.

Taehyung P.O.V

So far the evening was going according to plan. Tae and Bogum were having a great time. After meals were served and Tae had several glasses of wine. A dance floor opened up and music began to rock the room they were in.

"Bogumieeeee, dance with me"

Bogum sighed, he knew Tae loved dancing but drunk Tae LOVED dancing. In a way that Bogum couldn't bare to have his coworkers see. Don't get him wrong, he loves Tae. Everything about him. But having his husband grinding on his dick in the middle of all of his costars and producers didn't sound like a good way to say "hi, I'm your films star!"

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