"Yes it all started when my master left on that fateful day...NO DUMBASS! I'M A PERSON!" He once again yelled, which caused Anoki to let out a growl, her eye glinted dangerously towards the man, causing him to gulp audibly. 

"Hey Zoro help me out with this." And with that Luffy hopped up and got a good grasp on the bushes body, Zoro soon doing the same and they both heaved at the same time. The bush let out a scream of pain while flailing his arms around. 


"Good," Anoki plainly stated with a blank look, causing her crew to sweatdrop at her somewhat vicious attitude. 


"My name is Gaimon and I've been guarding this island from intruders for twenty years. I was once in a pirate crew searching for the lost treasure but we never found anything. As they were all packing up, I checked up there, on the tallest mountain and found five treasure chests. I called out to my crew but they were already sailing off. In a rush to get to them, I slipped off the mountain and landed in this treasure chest. I've been stuck here ever since." The bush explained while a bunch of strange animals surrounded him, licking at his face and injuries. 

"I'm Luffy! And this is my first mate Anoki! I'm going to be King of the pirates!" Luffy cheered, his eyes crinkling in the corners as his smile stretched across his face. Anoki was semi conscious laying across Zoro's legs while holding onto Nami's pinky. Both were flustered from the strange woman. 

"KING OF THE PIRATES!? That means you're going to the Grand Line to get the fabled one piece!?" He shrieked. "I've heard stories of that place and seen some pirates returning from there! It's a pirates Graveyard and the pirates who return all look half dead!" Gaimon ranted on, hoping to persuade Luffy from going. 

"Shishishi! I don't care, I'm going to be King! Plus, Anoki was born in the Grand Line and has experience!" Luffy explained with a carefree grin while Gaimon looked as if his soul got sucked out through a straw. 

"You're just like me...you even look like me," Gaimon stated out of the blue, causing Anoki to choke on the coffee she got from Ussop. Zoro slapped against her back while Nami yelled with shark teeth, "IN WHAT WAY DOES HE LOOK LIKE YOU!?"

"I use to have a dream, an ambition, and how dedicated you are to yours reminded me of my old self. Will you youngsters help me claim the treasure I've protected for twenty years?" Luffy quickly agreed, along with Nami, which caused Zoro and Ussop to give her weary glances. 

"What!? I can be emotionally moved too!" 

"Sure sure..."


The group rode to the island on a large turtle with all of the other strange animals following behind. Some normal birds such as sparrows and swallows made their home on Anoki's body, causing her to let out a delighted laugh at the small animals that always seemed to flock near her. 

"How come you're always getting swarmed by birds? It was like this on Ussop's island as well with the parrots, " Nami mused out, casting a glance towards the content female. Anoki shot them a solemn smile, stroking the handle of Nathari who was leaning against her shoulder. 

"On my island, we believed in certain superstitions. One of them was that a great warrior who would bring great change and chaos to the world would always be swarmed by all types of birds. Though this is much better! The birds out here are so small and cute, the birds on my island were all predators so their talons usually left cuts into my body. That's why I was challenged to battle a lot, since I'm apparently a great warrior, worthy to the Gods, good fights, and a worthy death."

Their AstronomerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon