DuckTales: Operation Lost Souls: Chapter 13: Lunar Prison Riot: Deweys Story

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"No!No!No! I can't be back here." Panic raced through the blue nephew as the blood rushes to his head, causing him to be nauseous. A black void glared at him from the glass cage he was once held in. Purple, blue, and green aliens of the moon surrounded him like a caged animal on display. "Help please! Someone get me home!" Dewey begged, banging his fists on the glass, the Moonlanders just laughed at him and proceeded to the next exhibit. "What have I gotten myself into?" Dewey fell to the floor, crying. He looked around, he was truly alone. A peculiar looking brown alien came up to him, but the eyes weren't a cloudy coloring like the other aliens, it was a vivid white and black with a slit in the pupil, just like Dewey's. Golden armor covered its body but a mechanical leg helped the figure to stand. On its left shoulder was a black bag, filled to the brim with gold.

"Earther?" The alien mumbled, adjusting its blue scarf around its neck.

"Please help me! I don't belong here. I need to get back home to my family." Dewey looked at the alien.

"I'm trying to get back to my family as well." The alien came closer to the glass, it's brown hood still covering its face. "I feel bad for you kid, but I don't know what to do." There was a moment of pause then the figure mumbled, "gather your things, I'll be back at midnight." It scurried off as Dewey was left there, being tormented and teased by the other aliens.


Horrific memories clouded Dewey's mind as he sat there in the dark, the Lunar Zoo closed. "I miss Webby, Louie, Huey, and Uncle Scrooge. I wish things were back the way they were. I wish none of this ever happened in the first place." He mumbled, wiping a tear from his eye. "Why can't life be normal?" A loud beep rang out in the Zoo as a chute came down next to Dewey, filled with sludge.

"Eat up you crustation," A rather large, blue alien said, a light-pole in his hand. A creature in a cage begun whining as it pawed at the glass. "Ahh, shut it!" The alien said, jabbing the creature with the light pole. Bright electric static jolted the creature away from the glass as a burn mark was visible on its paws.

"That's not right!" Dewey exclaimed jumping up. "That creature did nothing." The guard sneered and aimed his stick at Dewey.

"Quiet boy," He warmed. Dewey stepped back from the glass. "That's what I thought," the guard mocked. He threw the light-pole over his shoulder and begun walking off. There were grunts and a short holler later and the stranger in the brown cloak came to Dewey's glass.

"It's you! Thank you for coming back!" Dewey was surprised.

"Don't thank me yet kid, we're not out of here yet." The figure said, pulling back their hood. Dewey took a step back as his face turned into confusion. "Is this a trick?" The figure looked at him. "You-you're Della Duck!"

"Uh ya? How do you know my name?" Della said pressing a few buttons on the console next to Dewey's cage.

"Mom! I-I thought you were gone, but i-it's y-you!" Dewey said tearing up. "I thought you were gone forever! I thought I wouldn't find you! This is the greatest day of my life!" Dewey began jumping up and down.

"Shh kid, you'll alert the guards." Della's eyes suddenly widened. "Wait? Mom? Did you just say, Mom!" Della's frown quickly changed into a grin. "How is this possible! Wait are you Jet, Turbo, or Rebel?"

"Uncle Donald named me Dewey," Dewey replied.

"That's a weird name," Della said. "Ugh I can't get this door open to release you, it says I need a key. Oh! The guard." Della's eyes lit up, she raced back to where the guard layed unconscious. She began scavenging in his pockets. Suddenly voices from afar could be heard in the distance.

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