DuckTales: Dream Jumpers: Chapter 1

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"Everyone says that in some point of your life you have to battle your inner demons. But when push comes to shove you have to do what's right and fight back, not everything in life is handed to you. You have-" Webby wrote, until she heard a knock on the door.

"It's ready," a duck dressed in green said. His signature smile gleaming. Webbys face lit up. They dashed down the hallway in the Money Bin. A quick ride in the elevator and the once water logged Gearloose lab, held 7 patients laying on what could only be explained as a make shift lab table. All of them fast asleep, stuck in their own worst nightmare. A tight layer of duck tape covered the windows of the underwater lab. It pained Webby to see he loved ones and friends in pain.

"How on earth did you accomplish this... contraption?!" Webby awed at the mighty circular container. Layered with red and blue wires.

"Lena's journel and a little engineering thanks to the Jr Woodchuck Guidebook," Huey smirked.

"Do you really think this could work?" Dewy questioned Huey.

"Of course, the Jr Woodchuck Guidebook has never failed me before," Huey said twirling a cable in between his fingers.

"No, he means... Going into everyone's dreams. Will this awaken them... What if we fail?" Webby interrupted. There was a distant silence between the four. "What will we do if they don't wake up?"

"Well then we have no choice but to succeed!" Dewy smiled. Huey walked over to the dream contraption and got 4 funky looking helmets. 

"These dream.... helmets will harness our brain waves converting them into nero-"

"Ya ya ya Huey," Louie said grabbing a cap and running over to a vertical stand and layed on the table.

"Let the adventure begin!" Louie said throwing his arms in the air. 

The others rolled their eyes at Louie's new found sense of adventure. Each of them walked to a vertical table and placed the dream caps upon their heads. 

"Will this machine work or will it fry our brains?"  Louie suddenly looked startled. 

"Ah, 30-70," Huey said. 

"Wait no, I change-"

Huey suddenly flipped the switch and in a harsh blast of white and yellow the four fell into a death like sleep. A new chapter has just begun. 

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