DuckTales: Dream Jumpers: Chapter 10: Scrooge McDucks Nightmare; Part 3

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Everyone sat in silence at the grand dining room, eating their breakfast. Webby was slowly stiring the cereal in her white bowl. She glanced over to the head of the table, the seat was empty. Her Granny noticed and placed a hand on her shoulder, nodding. She then glanced in the other direction there was a seat empty between Huey and Louie.

"Excuse me," Webby got up and headed to the TV room. There Dewey was laying on the couch acting like a Louie, holding a picture of them, Della, Scrooge, and Donald. He sighed.

"I wish you were here with me," Dewey mumbled caressing the beating up photo.

"Hey," Webby spoke, Dewey jumped a little, he quickly tried to hide the picture but he knew it was useless.

"Whats going on?" Webby sat down not meeting Dewey's eyes. Dewey turned the other direction.

"I don't want to talk to anyone right now, I'm sorry." Dewey mumbled under his breath. Webby looked to the ground then to her friend dressed in blue. She then got up and left. She could only imagine the hurt going through Dewey and his brothers. Knowing that Scrooge never loved them in the fist place. Having him be the reason why their mother was lost in space. She trotted up the stairs to her bedroom. Slamming the door.

"You think its over?" Said a voice. Webby turned to her shadow and shrugged her shoulders.

"We have come so far, yet we still have another mile stone to reach. Everyone wants to give up, let Magica win. But we have to keep fighting, but I think they along with the rest of the adults are done trying to cover for Scrooge."

"What are YOU going to do about it?" The shadow asked.

"What do you mean?" Webby tilted her head.

"Are you going to keep fighting or let Magica win?" the shadow asked folding its arms.

"I-I don't know," Webby replied sitting on her bed. The shadow nodded its head and left, only Webbys own shadow remained. She looked at the morning sun.

...Scrooge's Nightmare...

I am a Monster. I truly believe it now. Half of me wants to keep fighting, but the other half wants to give up. My family already gave up on me so what was the use of fighting back? It only brings pain and suffering to me. No one cares, I'm alone. My family knows the truth, and they've given up. Of all of Magica's dirty tricks, from physical harm to taking a curse to the stomache, this has to be the worst one, emotional manipulation.

"Magica de Spell!" I shouted into the vast void. There was a green lightning strike and Magica appeared with a dark smirk. "You've won," i confessed. She smiled.

"I knew it was only a matter of time until I finally broke you!" she smiled and vanished. I looked down at my flippers, something was different. I raised my hand, it was transparent. It seemed to glow on and off. I knew it, I was fading away into the darkest abyss of my mind.

...Present Time...

Louie Duck paced up and down the corridor. He biting his nails to the bone. He had a sense something bad was happening to Scrooge and Webby. Finally having enough of procrastinating, he turned to the left and raced down towards Webbys room.

"I'm not sure if I should keep fighting or not. I'm exhausted, mentally and physically." Webby explained while her shadow listened attentively.

"Well what do you believe you should do? What is your gut telling you to do?"

"To keep fighting-" the door suddenly swung open and Louie stood there mouth wide open. He then tackled Webby to the ground.

"Get out of Webby you evil demon!" Louie said trying to save Webby.

Ducktales: PossessionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz