Ducktales: Operation Lost Souls: Chapter 9: Hell Bent

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...Webby and Louie's Story...

"Louie?! What are you doing here?" Webby asked shocked. Violet turned around and her pupils dilated in shock. The sun was just beginning to rise and Violet and Webby had planned to go into the forest at night to retrieve Magicas amulet.

"Something is wrong! Something is seriously wrong right now!" Louie said running up to Webby and giving her a hug. "Oh I missed you and everybody so much! I'm sorry that I ran away but I think Huey might be in trouble!"

"Woah woah woah," Violet stuttered trying to slow down the speeding duck. "Who are you and why are you screaming like you're a chicken with its noddles cut off?"

"Excuse me but who are you?"

"I'm Violet, Webby's new friend," Violet said

"Wow I do my own thing for a week and already everything is hell bent!" Louie said scratching his head.

"Back up Louie! What do you mean Huey is in trouble?"

"You just have to come with me, you have better judgement!" Louie said turning back in the direction of the woodland cottage.

"Just tell us what happened, start from the beginning. We are not going to go anywhere until you calm down and stop acting like a phyco!" Webby said placing a firm grip on the green ducks shoulders.

"Fine long story short after Huey yelled at me for thinking I betrayed you- well you know that part, but after I got out, I wanted to run away. Then a fire colored little bird kid up to me and listened patiently to what I was saying and-"

"Wait did you just say?"

"Listened patiently to what-"

"No no no the other thing about the kid!"

"Then a fire colored little bird kid walked up to me?"

"OMG! Did it tell you it's name?" Webby jumped up and down.

"Why does that-"

"Just answer the stupid question!" Violet screamed.


"OMG if you translate that name from Latin to Greek, you get the same name as on the piece of paper!"

"Louie!" Webby said grabbing Louie's shoulders and holding him close. "Where is that fire bird?" Her voice cracked.

"No you don't understand-"

"We could get Lena back!" Violet smiled holding Webbys hand and jumping up and down like a crazy bird.

"LISTEN!!" Louie screamed shaking Webby back and forth. "Huey says there is something wrong with Fenice! That he doesn't trust her. He told me that Uncle Scrooge died and Magica has won! So after he said that I called him a liar, but I went back to the manor to check and humor myself. I found his grave in the front yard. I then went back to the woodland cottage and found another doppelgänger Louie coming out of Huey's bedroom and Fenice was no where to be seen, at that moment I knew something was wrong! So I ran back out here looking for help." Louie explained, nearly out of breath. "I need your help."

"What are we supposed to do. I have my own thing going on."

"Please Webby, I'll pay you back in anyway but now it may be a life or death situation for Huey!" Webby hesitates a moment before speaking.

"Violet I'll be back tomorrow. Then we'll go find Lena and that amulet," Webby spoke up.

"No, what if some animal eats it or a stranger picks it up?"

"Well that's the chance that I'm willing to take. Family matters more than anything."

"Alright, But can I come with you, I love adventure!"

"It's a family matter I don't-"

"Never mind Webby let her come, we have to save Huey!" Louie grabbed Webby's hand and Webby grabbed Violets hand pulling each other like a cargo train into the forest. "Let's go rescue Huey!"

...Huey's Story....

"This dresser is taller than me, how am I ever going to lift it?"

"You don't lift with your back you lift with your legs. Besides you just have to topple it over." Scrooge said sitting on the night stand next to Huey's makeshift bed. "Are you sure on this decision lad?"

"What to disown Louie after he left me for dead, ya." Huey said bitterly. He threw himself against the dresser, toppling it over. "I don't want to, but it's seems like it's too late to save my brother."

"It's never too late to do the right thing lad," Scrooge jumped down from the nightstand and walked towards Huey. "Sometimes you have to be persistent even if it seems like the world has betrayed you."

"In case you haven't noticed, I have. But sometimes ignorance could be bliss." Huey said kicking at a air vent behind the dresser. "Ah ya!" He said trying to tear the thing open. "There is no use staying in here, no one is going to come looking for me. I abandoned Dewey and Webby to release my own form of guilt from loosing Louie. Why would they come for me?"

"Alright then, make your own escape. But don't let you or others be deceived." Scrooge warned and he was gone. "Drama queen," Huey said bitterly, finally getting the vent open. He dug in his dresser for a mini flashlight and ventured into the vent.

...Webby and Louie's Story...

"What? Where's the cottage?! It was here when I went to check!" Louie cried out turning pale.

"We must have gotten turned around somewhere, let's go back, this place is creeping me out." Violet said looking around the forest nervously, folding her hands on her chest. "We could get easily lost in here, let's go back."

"You can go back, but I need to help Louie. Louie, are you sure this was the place?"

"Yes there was a little running waterfall that goes into a lake Baxter to the house."

"Well then maybe let's split up." Violet said stopping abruptly.

"That has to be the worst horror movie cliche I've ever heard, no you never split up in a forest! Animals could pick us off one by one." Louie snapped back. "Or worse."

"That seems like a good idea, it's not dark yet, once sunset is gone, we return to the manor!" Webby decided. "So it's just a little stone cottage?"


"If we see anything suspicious, we call each other and run out of the forest, deal?"

"Yes." Violet replied.

"....Alright," Louie hesitated. The trio ran in opposite directions. "This has a very bad vibe, something bad is going to happen, I could just feel it." Louie mumbled to himself as he was running to the right. Indeed something was amiss for a shadow was following his every move.......

A/N: It's apparently Yolokat135 birthday today, so happy birthday to them. And thank you to everyone who has been reading, commenting, and voting on this book, it means a lot to me to know that you like my book.

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