Ducktales:Dream Jumpers:Chapter 8: Ms Beaklys Dream

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"Guys where's Webby?" Louie asked walking down the hallway of McDuck Manor. "She promised me a waffle last week and I want it now!"

"I'm not sure, I think she is in her room," Dewy shouted from downstairs. Louie rolled his eyes and walked down the east wing to Webbys room. He gently knocked, no answer. He knocked once again no answer. A soft mumbling could be heard through the door. He reached for the door knob.

"Hey Louie!" A voice startled Louie.

"Jesus, you scared me. What took you so long. Side note, who were you talking too?"

"I-I was just— writing in my... diary," Webby said avoiding Louie's eyes.

"Webby—" Louie warned. He knew something was up. "You can't out con a con. What's really going on..."

"I was just-writing reports on who Magica is and where she came from," Webby confessed. "I didn't want anyone to get worried."

"Uh hu..." Louie said still not believing the hen dressed in pink. "Okay... but I'm keeping my eye on you..." Louie said slowly backing away. Webby let out a nervous laugh. She slowly closed the door. Letting out a nervous sigh she returned to the desk in her bedroom.

"Why didn't you tell him," said a voice. Webby turned around and found a abnormal shawdow speaking to her.

"I didn't want Louie to think something was up..." Webby confessed. The shadow nodded it's head.

...The Next Day...

"You seem to be awfully quiet Webby, are you sure everything is alright?" Huey asked.

"Oh- ya, everything is just peachy!" Webby placed a false smile on her face. Her honorary brothers all looked at her funny.

"You sure?" Louie coaxed, trying one last time to unravel what's behind Webbys secludedness. She nodded her head.

"Ok then, everyone to you positions!" Dewy urged on. Huey flipped the switch and they were once again engulfed in a bright white light.

...Ms Beakly's Dream?!...

"What! Why are we still at the labs?!" Huey said looking around.

"Huey I thought you activated the machine?!" Louie said annoyed.

"I thought so too,"Huey replied scratching his head.

"Wait a minute, where is the water?" Webby commented pointing to the large open windows of the underwater lab.

"Your right, lets go upstairs and get Gryo. Something isn't right!" Webby said. The five shuffled out of the elevator.

"Is it just me or do I have a feeling that we're being creepily watched," Dewy turned to Webby. "Probably the security cameras," Webby blushed going into the shade. "I'm... hot," she said trying to hide her shadow. They reached the top. The lab was above water on the side of a hotel.

"I thought the labs were under the money bin?" Dewy Asked. Everyone turned to the place where the Manor stood. Instead there was a large statue of a green feathered duck holding a staff. Sounds of pain and suffering could be heard miles away from DuckBerg.

"G-guys... this I-isn't DuckBerg" Webbys voice shook.

"Is this the future? If Magica won the Shadow War?!" Huey gasped.

"This has to be a dream, right. Or did we get the magic nightmare spell. Have the people we've all been freeing just a Dream??!!!" Louie started to panic. "Is this what reality actually looks like?"

"Beware, for reality is corrupt. Know what's right and wrong," Lena's warning echoed in Webby's head.

"Webby!" A voice broke her out of her trance. She shot up shaking her head.

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