Chapter 9: The Shadow War Begins

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...Donald's POV...

No I was too late. Magica emerged in a blast of pink. She surrounded herself in a bubble gum like shield. Black red eyed beings appeared behind everyone and flew to her aid. This is exactly why I don't adventure anymore, someone always gets hurt!

"Donald!" A voice jumped me awake outta my trance. I turned and found Ms B shoving me to the side as a cluster of shadows hit her instead of me. I immediately got up and started to attack the shadows. It was like trying to fight air. One shadow that surprisingly looked like Gladstone picked me up and tossed me across the bridge to the mansion. Magica was moving towards the money bin.

"AFTER HER!" I screamed dodging all the shadows. Gladstone, LaunchPad Ms B and I all ventured across town.

...Webbys POV...

We were so close, yet so far. It was a race against time. Magica already moved to the Bin, completely destroying the building. My breath was taken away, the blood shot sky filled with shadows swirling above the Bin. Adrenaline was racing through me, we're running out of time.

"Webby-" a voice shot me outta my trance. "I think Lena was taken hostage!" Dewy said. My heart sank, first my parents, then granny and the McDucks, and now my friends. Everything I ever worked for, gone. I thought I had a family, but Magica took it away. Anger and rage build up inside me. I balled my hand into a fist. How could someone do this?!

"Webby LOOK!" Louie shouted. I turned back at him to find a blue notebook in his hands. My gaze softened. I walked up the cold concrete floor and took the blue notebook delicately in my hands. A yellow sticky note fell out of one if the pages and it was labeled 'Webby Help'.

"What does it say?" Dewy Asked.

I flipped through the book. "To end the line of clan McDuck, she saught a token of their luck. With the eclipse in its prime, she trapped old Scrooge with in his dime. But Scrooge reverses her vengeance plan, and in his dime the witch did land. And as he struck the final blow, she casted a spy from her SHADOW. I walk the Earth and wield her power to bring an end to McDucks last hour." Cold sweat dripped down my face. My heart started reacing. I was both enraged and engulfed in grief. I looked down at my friendship braclet. Tears filled my eyes. How could Lena do such a thing. How could she have betrayed all of us like this. I thought she was my friend, I guess I was wrong. I snapped the pink-purple-blue bracelet and threw it to the ground in blind rage.

"Lena's Magica spy?!" Louie shouted.

"Lena's a shadow!" Huey said astonished.

I stifled back a sob. "She betrayed us to free Magica...she was never my friend" Dewy turned to my and placed his arm on my shoulder.

"You may have lost her, but you still have us, because these ducks don't bac-"

"Oh be quiet!" I snapped. Dewy stumbled backwards and tore a blue curtain off of its hinges. On the wall layed grafiti and a word labled 'Revenge'. The boys and I walked to the curtain and gazed at the procephy like drawings. I violent roar shook the Earth causing a massive abyss between us and the exit.

"RUN!" Huey screamed, we all dashed for the exit only to be bounced back by a paranormal force. As if on cue a sharp blue ray struck the wall next to us.

"I'm stuck in the 8th dimension, there's no time to lose. Webby, you need to lead the boys to Scrooge's money bin. You have to remind him whats most important to him. Only he can battle his inner demons. Hurry before its too late!" The writing on the wall said. We all turned to the exit, one by one, Huey, Louie, and Dewy ventured out. Another blinding flash of light burst through the walls. "Webby I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I hope you can forgive me. Good luck." The blinding light vanished and I smiled. It was like a renewed hope lit up inside me. I am not going to fail again!

A Vote, Do you want a happy ending, a sad ending, or a in-between happy sad ending. I have a brief outline for the conclusion, but I would be curious to see what you people think. I might not take your suggestion so don't be disappointed if I don't. But if I hear a better idea than what I got, I'll use it. -TwilightAurora

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