DuckTales: Operation Lost Souls: Chapter 4: Oncoming Storm

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...Huey's Story...

"Uncle Scrooge?!"

"Yes lad, how are you?" Scrooge said sitting down in a chair next to Huey's bedside. "Look I'm sorry for everything I've put you through."

"What-but- we saw you die, Magica had won." Huey said baffled, a cold sweat ran down his face. "It's wasn't your fault, but- how can you be alive?"

"You didn't think I had a back up. The Yellow Moonstone Of Athena, basically gives you a second life if you die it's the frame for my number 1 dime.

"So you're alive!"

"No technically I'm not even here. I'm still in the grave, my body is alive  but my mind is absent. I'm only a figment if your imagination after you passed out. I'm what you want to hear in your time of desperation" Scrooge said adjusting his hat. "But I am alive in a way" Scrooge paused folding his hands into his lap. "Now what seems to be the matter?"

"Huh?" Huey asked placing us feet on the ground.

"It's not everyday a person could activate the Yellow Moonstone of Athena, you must need me for something. I've missed you and the others so much!" Scrooge said coming in to hug Huey tightly. He was in complete and utter shock. He reluctantly raised his hands to his Uncles back, hugging him back.

"I- I don't know what to say. Does this mean there's a chance I could bring you back?"

"Perhaps, we don't have much time. You're going to wake up soon. And I fear that you are going to be in trouble" Scrooge said releasing his grip on the red duck.

Huey paused for a minute, thinking this was too good to be true. Then decided to test his uncle.

"Before I begin, answer me these two questions. What is the Spear Of Selene? How did you earn your number one dime?"

Scrooge looked baffled for a minute, thinking why his nephew would test him. "Spear of Selene is a rocket Della took for a test flight." Scrooge said trying to hold back tears in his eyes. Trying to remain strong for his nephew. "And I was a young shoe shiner" Huey then came in for a hug, digging his head into his Uncles shoulders. Tears spilling like a faucet.

"I'm lost Uncle Scrooge. I'm scared. I fear that Magica has returned because of a deal Webby had made with Magica. Louie is lost and its my fault. Dewey has been locked up in your office, searching for any clues about finding his mother. Webby feels like everything that has happened now is her fault. Our family is slowly being torn apart, and I don't know what to do next!" Huey sobbed hugging his uncle tighter. "I'm scared for what the future has to offer."

"Aww lad," Scrooge said stroking his nephews head. Huey looked up, teary eyed.

"We all have to battle our inner demons. But family is the most important thing. No matter what we have to stay together, because in the end, that's all you got. We all have to face our fears, grow up and face the truth. We all have a goal in the end. Just promise me, you will stay strong. Whatever it takes, you find Louie, reunite the family, and stop Magica. I can't always protect you forever, but you need to stay strong. Magica wants to break you up, tear you down. But when the world knocks you down, you have to get back up, brush off your knees, and fight back." Scrooge said.

"There is a approaching storm. You may think you are not strong enough,  that you are weak and a scared little kid. But let me tell you what,  don't doubt yourself 'cause you know what? You are the Oncoming Storm" Scrooge smiled one last time, a bright white light consumed his surroundings.

Huey woke up with a burning sensation coming from his leg. Instead of being in the lush emerald forest he was in white room with a simple looking bed and dark oak nightstand to the right. He was station against a window, covered in elegant ruby colored curtains. He scanned the opposite end of the rather small room to find a spruce book shelf lined with multicolored books. He suddenly heard the door creak open. Huey searched himself for the knife he had with him, gone. He held up his fists ready to defend himself. A tall orange, red, and yellow feathered bird walked in with a plate of cookies. A smirk on her face.

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