Chapter 10

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Magica De Spell sat on a throne of gold. Laughing before her the chaos that reigned supreme in the small town of Duckberg. Shadows crawled the town, screams could be heard a mile away. The eclipse in it prime, Magica waved her hand and Scrooge appeared in the coin.

"How does it feel, Scroogie. To have everything you worked for taken away in a instant. To know that everything you ever loved, gone!" She cracked a wicked laugh into the blood shot sky. A thunder of sound erupted, the ground began to shake. Scrooge and Magica looked at the source of the commotion. The Sunchaser was heading straight for the money bin. "Ohh looks like you family has come to play!" She smiled, Scrooge held back a gulp. The dime levitated in mid air and Magica flew to the front of the ravaged bin. Her black and pink septor lit up and she fired a shot at the Sunchaser. If there was anything LauchPad could do right its that he could avoid an blast from anything paranormal. (He just chooses to crash, random, but true)

"Four!" Magica shouted, a blast hit the bridge as Ms Beakly and Gladstone came running up with Gyro, Fenton, Manny, and Lil' Bulb, who were all carrying lasers. A cluster of shawdows swarmed the 6. "If they want to prove themselves, let them battle there own inner demons." Magica snickered, a green shot emerged from her staff and surrounded the six, they all instantly fell to the floor in a trance like sleep. "Let's see them try to fight their worst nightmare."

...Ms. Beakly's Dream...

"Why are you always hovering over me. I can take care of myself." Webby shouted.

"Dear, I was only trying to protect you, keep you safe." Beakly pleaded. A adult Webby on the portch carrying a suit case.

"I've lived in the Manor all my life, you're so afraid to let me go, grow up, experiance the world. Even get hurt in the process. Well news flash it's called life. I can take care of myself. I don't need you. I don't even know why I said yes to living with you. And don't give me the excuse, 'Oh dear I only wanted to keep you safe because I love you!' Webby mocked. "So what, I'm just supposed to live with you forever. I don't need a person like you in my life. Adult Webby slammed the oak door and Ms Beaklys eyes began to water.

...Donald's Dream...

"You killed our mother!" Huey accused. Louie and Dewy crowed around Donald.

"Why didn't you keep a closer eye on Scrooge and the rocket!" Louie shouted, pointing at Donald.

"You're the reason why we were orphaned." Dewy screamed pushing his Uncle backward.

"I didn't know- I" Donald started until Louie cut him off.

"Don't pretend like you love us, your just a pathetic temperamental Uncle who's only trying to make up what happened to our mother. THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Louie roared.

"That's not true-"

"We don't need you, you've always been a burden on us! Pretending that you care, when you don't. Your pathetic, no wonder Scrooge always perfected Della over you!" Dewy slammed the house boat door closed. Huey, Dewy, and Louie were walking away. Donald fell to his knees.

"What have I done..."

...Gladstone's Dream...

No no, I can't be back!! Gladstone backed up. Before him was a series of red walls as carpet lined with ancient Chinese symbols. Casino games layer in the walls with people playing the machines.

"Not the House of the Lucky Fortune! I- Donald defeated Toad. How is this possible?!!" Gladstone glanced back to find Scrooge, the triplets, and Donald about to walk out the front door.

"NO PLEASE! WAIT! HELP!!" Gladstone tried to frantically run to his family. A paranormal force held him back. The room seemed to stretch. Only a few yards away was freedom. A black hearted scream escaped his mouth. Gladstone fell to his knees, his luck had finally run out.


Scrooge's family was squirming and waving there hands in the air.

"They'll never awake!" Magica said turning to Scrooge, "Now all I need is your nephews..."


Terror shook the sky as the triplets and Webby were running to the money bin. The bridge crawled with shadows. Webby gasped in horror as she saw her Granny in pain, squirming around like a chicken with its noddles cut off. As much as she wanted to help she knew she couldn't risk being seen.

"We have to get into the money bin somehow! We can't fight all these shadows on our own!" Huey spoke.

"Or can we, to the Lab" Dewy rushed everyone to the pier. "Take a deep breath!" Dewy dove into the water. His vision blurred and his ears popped. The rest soon jumped in. They swam to the underwater Gearloose lab. Flooded to the brim, the triplets and Webby swam up the dimly lit elevator. Moments later they appeared on the bottom floor of the money bin. Louie started spewing and coughing water.

"Let's NEVER do that again!" Louie choked. Webby smiled and Dewy and Huey scouted the bottom floor.

"The elevators are jammed. And the lights are on there last leg," Huey said.

"So then... how do we get up?"  Webby Asked.


Louie groaned as he made his way up on the silver stairs. The number 8, behind him.


"Oh is this your favorite treasure!" Magica said opening a spruce wood box. She turned her staff towards the box. "Oh too bad now it's ice cream!" Scrooge gasped in horror. If Scrooge could talk right now, he would be saying some very colorful words. "How does it feel, Scroogie!" She smirked. "Want a lick!" She threw the ice cream to the floor. With a wave of her hand a small pile of cards appeared and Magica levitated the coin in the air.

"To my most hated rival," she began. "That's you by the way," Magica murmured. "As you know, you banished me to a Nether Relm within your dime, where I've been biding my time plotting your delicious downfall. In conclusion—wait wait these are out of order. Hold on... don't roll your eye at ME! I've been trapped in your DIME for FIFTEEN YEARS, I AM ENTITLED TO A MINUTE OF GLOATING!" Suddenly a chunk of ceiling fell next to Magica and looked up to find the boys holding on to Webby as she propelled them down the bin with her grappling hook. Magica turned to Scrooge and smirked, "looks like it's over for you Scroogie, say goodbye to the people you love most!!" She levitated off her throne. Webby landed gracefully on the stack of cold hard cash as the triplets tumbled over to her side. "Children..." Magica hissed. The 4 each took in a fighting position ready for what comes next. 

"Looking for this!" Magica said holding up the dime with Scrooge in it. "Well come and get it!"

1 Final Vote, would you people like a short sequel to finish off this book once and for all, or should I leave it on a cliff hanger? Reply to let me know what you want. Also stay tooned.

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