DuckTales: Operation Lost Souls: Chapter 1: Reverance

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"Demon's run when a good person goes to war. Night will fall and drown the sun. When a good person goes to war. Friendship dies, and true love lies. When a good person goes to war. Night will fall and the dark shall rise. Demons run, and count the cost, the battle is won, but the war is Lost." Webby spoke aloud as if she was under a trance. She turned towards her jornal and began writing. " People say the truth is stranger that fiction. I laugh. Because the truth hurts when you have to face your monsters alone. Monsters of fear, greed, obsession and hatred. Losing Lena and Scrooge to Magica de Spell was the hardest thing I ever had to face. Louie running away from home because Huey said he will never be family. The truth hurts. But I say the truth is harder to bear when you have to face those monsters yourself. My inner demons haunt me day in and day out. The Manor has gotten as silent as a mouse. Darkness engulfed me when I realized I had lost everything I had ever loved. Family torn apart, friendships broken, I just don't know what to do. Th only thing I do know is, Magica had declared war on my family and I. I will do what ever it takes  to get them back no matter the cost. This was all because of the deal I made with Magica. I kick myself for this mistake." Webby said writing in her pink sparkled notebook. Tears filled her eyes. She slammed the notebook closed, tears falling on the cover. She got up from her bed and tucked her journal away. "Why does it always have to be the innocent at heart. Why does bad things happen to good people. Never mond that, I was never to stubborn to give up, not giving up now," Webby forced herself to get up from bed. She dragged herself down the stairs and fell ontop of Huey.

"Webb's!" Huey said. "Watch where your going!" His brows furrowed. Webby opened her eyes and saw the young duck with a washcloth on his head. He looked exhausted.

"What happened to you?"

"I should say the same to you." Huey snickered. He paused a minute. "Sorry I'm a little agitated right now, I'm worried about Louie. It's all my fault. If he's dead or worse. I-I don't-" Webby suddenly came in for a hug.

"I understand we're all depressed about losing a loved one. But it's just like you said, we have to remain strong." She said trying to comfort the young duck. He smiled, but on the inside Huey was broken, angry at himself that he didn't trust Louie enough to not betray them. Disapointed that he gave into Magica's trickery. A part of him kept saying it wasnt his fault. Yet, his inner demons say otherwise.

"Thanks," Huey replied not sounding at all convinced. He stared back at her. "What about you? What are you doing up so late?" Webby shrugged her sholders, she didn't want anyone to know what she was doing. But at the same time, that was the same mistake she made. Keeping her plans a secret lead to Magica's release.

"....I'm trying to find a way to bring Lena back. She was like the rebel older sister I never had. Like the only other family besides my granny I had left." Webby sat down on the shag red carpet in the corridor. Huey sat down besides her.

"I know a thing or two about losing someone." He glanced at the framed photo of Scrooge, Donald, and his mother, Della fighting on a pirate ship. "Don't you sometimes wish that you can undo the past?"

Webby paused for a moment. She had many many regrets in life, but everything happens for a reason. Good or bad, things would eventually turn up the way you want it to. "I do." She replied looking up at the painting of the Duck family and Scrooge fighting pirate ghosts. "But the past shapes us into the people we are today. Without the past, there would be no future." She smiled looking at Huey. She then go up and walked to the kitchen.

"Good night Webby," Huey shouted waking back to his room.

....Louie Point Of View, 2 Weeks Ago...

"You were never part of this family, AND YOU NEVER WILL BE!" Huey said at last, the atmosphere around us seemed to break, there was complete and utter silence.

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