Chapter 3

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Webby raced up to Scrooge's office and knocked in the door.

"Mr McDuck, is everything okay. You seem to be a little on edge,I guess you can call it," Webby Asked, a soft worried tone in her voice.

Scrooge on the inside wanted to shout to the world what was going on. Webby would know what to do. He has defeated every enemy, from Toth Ra, to the Sea Serpent of Norte Daam, he was able to conquer every threat that came his way. But he can't defeat the one person he knows to well, himself.

"I'm fine Webby," Scrooge said a frown on his face. Magicas grip was tight.

"Are you sure, Louie said you hit him," Webby said sitting down in a velvet chair in the office.

"You know how Louie likes to make things up to get money, besides it was private documents," Scrooge said, he tried to force Magica out of his thoughts.

"Webby what are you doing," Dewy said pushing the door open. Huey and Louie rushed in behind Dewy.

Scrooge glanced down to find a document in Huey's hand. He was horrified, for he knew what was coming next.

"What is the Spear of Selene?" Dewy Asked laying the 4 documents on the table.

Tell the truth Scroogie, or I'm going to make you say something you regret dearly. If you cry for help, your family will never see the light of day again. Magica whispered. She released her grip and Scrooge was free. His eyes began to water, he never wanted this moment to come.

"Just before you were hatched, Della, myself and Donald been everywhere from the deep sea to the Plains of Panama. Your mother wanted to venture out to space. Explore the last unknown frontier. She designed a rocket, Donald thought it was stupid to go up to space, especially with you three on the way." Scrooge began taking a letter from the pile.

"So I did the only logical thing, I built the rocket and didn't tell Donal, or anyone for that matter. I was a surprise for Della when you three came. Your mother was always good at uncovering mysteries. She stole the rocket early, before I could stop her she was in the stratosphere. In the middle of a cosmic storm."

"I tried to talk her through it. But your mother and I knew, nothing was going to stop her. Curse me kilts was that duck stubborn. She was Della Duck after all. Everything seemed fine until that last bolt. There was no protecting her now, your mother was lost to the dark empty abyss of space," Scrooge said wiping a tear from his eye.

A ear shattering moment of silence passed between the 5. The triples all looking down.

"So your the reason our moms dead!" Dewy accused.

"What no-"

"You gave her a rocket to a mother of three. You could have called her down, there were too many variables,"Huey added.

"And you baled as soon as it put a dent in your money bin. Your the richest duck in the world," Louie fired.

"I bet you made that rocket faulty just so that you won't have to share your wealth and richest with anyone else," Dewy accused.

"Why would I do-"

Huey swiped all the papers off of Scrooge's desk. "You killed our mother, that's what you did!"

"Now that was uncalled-"

"Why would you give a mother of three a rocket?" Webby Asked.

"This is a family matter, you are not family," Scrooge growled.

"Now Uncle Scrooge THAT was uncalled for," Huey said with a snicker.

"It was your mother's love of adventure that got her killed,-"

"So your blaming her death on herself?!!" Louie growled.

"That's it, after everything I do for you, your all NOTHING BUT TROUBLE. I regret the day I invited you into my home." Scrooge flipped his desk over and all the kids backed away in distress."everybody OUT!" He watched them shuffle out the door.

"You see Scroogie, family is nothing but trouble, they blame you for her death. Aren't you glad you got rid of them.

"....I am"

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