DuckTales: Operation Lost Souls: Chapter 11: Family Traped

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...Huey's Story....

"Just one more kick and I'll be free!" Huey thought to himself, he managed to navigate his way through the cooling vents, he faced outside, he hasn't made Louie or Fenice suspicious they he left yet. He managed to find a portable little screw driver forgotten in the vent, perhaps when the building crew were putting together the house and AC system. Or maybe it was a trap, even then, at this point, Huey was too miserable and tired to care. He waved his fingers through the gap and slowly screwed to the left, the screw driver fell as soon as the screw came loose.

"Dang it," he mumbled to himself quietly slamming his fist in the vent. With little space to spare, Huey held in his breath and took his hat off, revealing the smallest book ever, the JWG. One by one he started to rip the pages and slide them through the vent.

"Feel like I'm losing a part of myself from doing this," Huey mumbled still tearing pages from his beloved book. "This is what life has come to."

....Dewey's Story....

A bright light shone in my eyes causing me to cover my face with my hands.

"Subject seems to be fine, minor injuries-disinfected. "Young male duck, age is around 8/9–"

"I'm 10," Dewey growled rubbing his tired eyes with his palms. "I'm 8/9 in the head but physically I'm 10." He sat up on a golden table. "Where am I?"

"Subject is responsive," the figure infront of him said. They turned and Dewey got a full view of there face, it was purple! It was a squashed version of a dog without a nose. It wore a golden apron and nurse like cap. Murky violet eyes stared back at Dewey.

"Your a alien!! Please don't plant eggs on my brain!" Dewey's voice trembled, wrapping his arms around himself.

"Subject calls me a 'al-ian'. Thinks I'm going to plant eggs in his central control system. Familiar vocabulary structure, mildly annoying, moderate intelligence." The alien spoke writing on her notepad.

"For your information I got a C in every class that I was homeschooled in, I just passed, I believe I deserve a title better than 'moderate intelligence'."Dewey frowned. Crossing his arms. The alien glared at him, flipping the 'pencil'.

"Idiot is more than a appropriate title," the alien said looking down at the golden notepad-like object. Dewey growled under his breath."Now accepting visitors and costumers." The alien said walking away.

"Costumers?" The dimly lit room suddenly sprang into action. The golden walls that surrounded him lifted and he realized he was behind glass from all four sides.

"Look sweetie!" Another alien, this time a green one pointed while holding a blue child's hand.

"That is that?" The child asked jumping up and down, pointing to Dewey.

"Let's see... according to these markings it's called a 'idiotis- alian'!" The mother figure said pointing to a paper that the nurse had written on.

"Where is it from?"

"Species origin- unknown." The mother smiled looking at Dewey.

"My names Dewey, I need to know where I am and how I can get out of here!" Dewey said running up to the glass and banging his fists in the glass only to be given a electrical shock in return."

"It's called a Dewey!" The child said jumping up and down like a kid in a candy store.

"Come on Luna, let's go get some glob-cream." The mother said gesturing her child to go to the left.

"Not so fun being trapped is it, blue one." A British accent came from behind Dewey. A unfamiliar rage built inside of Dewey as he let out a low, menacing growl.

"No better than being stuck in the shadows-" Dewey turned around to find a tall, slender hen wearing a black and red dress. A torn up cape rested around her scrawny shoulders. Her short raven black and violet highlighted hair covered her face. Her arms were folded around her chest as she leaned up against the wall. "Magica de Spell."

....Webby's Story....

Fatigue swept over Webby as she trudged up a 65 degree hill. The sun was beginning to rise once again, all night was a futile search through the forest. When she had returned to the entrance of the forest, Louie nor Violet were there.

"Can't believe in edition to finding Huey and a forest cottage, I now have to look for Louie and Violet." Webby groaned, using the back of her palm to wipe the sweat off her forehead. "I'm supposed to be looking for Lena, but I need to find a person named Fenice. But I guess they are a bad guy." She rubbed her temples with her index and middle fingers in a circular motion. "I'm just so tired, emotionally and physically." She sat down in the emerald green grass, staring at the burning sky. Webby looked around her, nothing but bushy trees and overgrown weeds surrounded her. She took a deep breath and cleared her thoughts. "Where do I fit in this crazy picture?" Webby mumbled laying in the itchy grass. A cricket chirped  next to her as she began to close her eyes, falling into a much needed sleep. Her purple skirt was now stained brown, her blue sweater vest was torn to pieces and her pink bow was long gone, missing from her head. Suddenly a violent quake shook the ground beneath her, and the earth opened up, swallowing her whole.

....Louie's Story....

"Fenice?!" Louie gasped, fighting against the chair he was bonded to. The fire colored bird smirked as she tightened the restraints. "Who are you really? I know your not a kind hearted person!"

"It took you that long to figure out something wasn't right?" A British accent spoke.

"Go back to the hole from which you slithered out of Magica!" Louie growled. "Haven't you done enough damage already." Fenice walked up to Magicas side, folding her hands. Magica let out a maniacal laughter.

"Your thought and reasoning were so clouded that you couldn't see the big picture. You should have listened to your big brother, green one." Magica said, holding her black and red staff to his throat. A cold sweat ran down Louie's cheek.

"Who's your new Lena?" Louie taunted. Shifting his eyes to Fenice.

"DO NOT MENTION THAT TRAITORS NAME!" Magica screamed, pointing her staff at the wall and blowing a hole into it. Fenice facepalmed, her poor house. "I simply needed a subject who didn't rest easy in the grave, resurrected and redirected them! Changing there out look on humanity and you kids!"

"Wait so Fenice is like a ghost- zombie bird?" Louie Asked, confused. "You sick twisted bird!" Louie banged his legs against the chair, trying once again to get lose to punch Magica. The world suddenly turned grey and Scrooge appeared beside Louie.

"Let Louie and the others go! If you have a score to settle, settle it with me. I should have known all along it was you!" Scrooge lunged at Magica only for him to go through her. Magica laughed and levitated him in the air with her staff.

"The Yellow Moonstone of Athena only allows you to physically interact with people you deeply care for. Lucky for me, you hate me." She said tossing Scrooge into a wall. "But that doesn't mean I can't interact with you." She slammed Scrooge into the ground with her magic. Scrooge let out a groan but immediately got back up. He shifted his focus to the person standing next to her.



A/N: I hope you people liked the plot twist, if your confused go back to Mistaken Promises and read the story Scrooge tells. Let me know what you think so far!

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