Ducktales: Operation Lost Souls: Who Am I?: Louie's Story

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(The Best Chapter I think so far- TwilightAurora)

The Duckberg from 30 years ago was no more. The small town it once was, was transformed into an urban, bustling city. Commercial-sized boats filled the harbor as apartments lined every corner. The smell of car exhaust and salty seawater lingered in this once small town. The saltwater eroded the corners of buildings that were closest to the sea. Humidity hung in the hot summer air. Seagulls circled in the sky as if preying on an unsuspecting victim.

The Money Bin was gone and replaced with a bright green LI. A mighty glass office was placed where Glomgold Industries once was, with the same LI engraved on the front. This port city has become the "Second New York" as many call it. This is the place where large businesses tend to settle and integrate into. The most successful tycoon in this city is one smart-talking, quick-witted Louie Duck. It has been 30 years since his uncle passed away. Thirty years since the family split apart, however, this didn't matter to Louie. He had cut contact with all his family and decided to tackle the business world.

In the age of Innovation and Discovery, Louie Duck certainly is a prominent icon. Time magazine has called him, "The Modern Scrooge McDuck," though- Louie despises the title. Nonetheless his company, Louie Inc. is a leading figure in the business world.


"I want those stocks to sell ASAP! Do you understand? Otherwise, it's going to be your job on the line!" Louie Duck said, slamming his fist against the polished oak desk. His office was cozy. A circular maroon carpet was in the center of the room as a massive window was against the desk. A cozy, rustic lit fireplace seemed to contradict the modern feel of the office building. Louie Duck wore a green suit with a black bow tied securely to his neck. He sported a clean-shaven face yet you could see the years beginning to form on his forehead. He held up a holographic phone that projected his intern, Elios.

"But Sir, according to the GDP, it's best to wait—"

"I'm sorry but who are you working for?" Louie shouted. Elios immediately shut his beak. "I didn't become the Richest Duck in the world by taking some advice from a year three undergraduate!" You could see the hurt in Elios' face. Yet Louie Duck wasn't finished, "Now do this one simple task of selling those stocks, otherwise I'm going to give your job to a circus monkey. The monkey will be able to follow orders better than you!" He slammed the end button on the holo tech phone.

"Don't you think you're being a bit, rude dear?" A woman's voice called out from behind him. It was his beautiful wife, Elise. She came up behind him and wrapped her arms around Louie's neck.

"It's almost the end of the trimester and I have yet to beat my record of the most income. I can't let that sham of a company, BellGold  beat me." Louie said, slumping back into his chair.

"You'll do it dearly," Elise said, kissing her husband on the cheek. "I believe in you." Louie looked up at her and smiled. "Because you can do anything." She ran her hand up and down his arm, comforting him. Elise then walked out of the office. Louie had to take a sigh, work is more stressful, especially now. He wasn't about to let BellGold get the lead on his company. "Oh honey, there's a package outside." Elise came back in, carrying a maroon envelope. Louie thanked her and Elise gave him a peck on the lips and walked out.

An overwhelming feeling of, Louie didn't know what it was. Fear? Regret? Nostalgia? A familiar feeling washed over him as he slowly began to open the envelope. Inside was a feather. It was coated in vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows.

"Louie!" The feather spoke. Louie jumped back and threw the feather across the desk. "Louie!" The voice rang out again. It was a familiar voice, yet Louie couldn't place it. He stood motionless for a minute, waiting for anything to happen. Louie shook his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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