DuckTales: Dream Jumpers:Chapter 5: Gladstone Ganders Dream

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(It was hard to write Gladstones nighmare, considering you don't know much about him. But I tried, I know the next chapter will be better. Anyway hope you enjoy this)

A cold sweat raced down Gladstones face. His blood pressure raising.

"This can't be happening," Gladstone panicked. Before him was a red Chinese card building. The walls layered with gambling machines. People rushing everywhere with money in their hands. The putrid smell of smoke filled the air around him. "No, not the House of the Lucky Fortune, I-Donald defeated toad!"

"Good afternoon Mr Gander," echoed a voice. Gladstone turned around and the color drained from his face. Before the lucky mallard was Toad U High. A evil grin spread across his green face. "Back for round two I see," the oversized amphibian spoke. 

"No your not real. You were banished to the 8th dimension. You-you can't hurt me anymore. I am not your puppet!" Gladstone stepped back yet he tried to remain strong.

"You think I only feed on luck, fear is the most delicious of all," Toad spoke. Darkness filled the atmosphere around them."Seems like you luck has finally run out Mr Gander!" Gladstone turned and saw Donald, Uncle Scrooge,triplets, and Webby heading out the front door. He raced to them, panic and adrenaline reaching through the mallard. The room stretched on forever, the closer Gladstone got to his family, the farther they were.

"DONALD!!! KIDS!!!! UNCLE SCROOGE!!! PLEASE SOMEONE HHHEEEELLLLLLLLPPPPP" Gladstone screamed trying to get his families attention. "I can't loose you too!" A black and green trap door opened beneath the duck. Gladstone didn't even have time to let out a scream before he landed with a harsh thump.

Gladstone didn't dare look up. A sudden force landed on his sholder and he fell backwards sheilding his eyes.

"Gladstone?" a voice echoed. Gladstone looked up to find a duck dressed in blue.

"Donald?! Bless the stars I found you" Gladstone wept hugging the duck dressed in blue.

"Come on lets get out of here," Donald spoke smiling at his cousin.

"Its a nightmare out there. We have to find our way out!" Gladstone shouted.

"I don't think there is a way out? We shouldn't hurt ourselves. Besides the witch that put this spell on you could still be out there," Donald spoke grabbing a hold of his fleeing cousins arm.

"What that is no way to think! It doesn't matter we have to find a way out" Gladstone said trying to search the dimly lit room the two were now in. "Wait a minute, why would you say such a thing. You never have the common scence to give up?" A cold sweat dripped down Donalds forehead.

"But look at the chances, we are s-stuck in a nightmare realm with no hope of escaping!" Donald stuttered. Gladstone knew his cousin well enough, this wasn't him. Why was Donald trying to stop from getting out. The Donald he knew would never give up so easily.

"How did you escape your nightmare?" Gladstone tested Donald. Donald looked a little taken back. Suddenly the earth roared to life and a white light shone down on the terrain. Ducklings dressed in pink, blue, red and green appeared. Donald suddenly had a scowl on his face.

"Uncle Donald!?" Huey question, baffled that his Uncle was still in the Gearloose labs, how would he be here? Donald rose up and tackled the four to the ground, pinning them down.

"DON WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING!!!!" Gladstone raced to pull his cousin off his nephews and Webby.

"You are not going to win this time!" Donald said in a sort of corrupt British accent. He slapped the pined down ducklings in the face.

"NO YOU ARE NOT GOING TO HURT THEM, NOT ON MY WATCH!!!" Gladstone tackled his cousin to the ground. Donald threw a punch at Gladstone, Gladstone suddenly ducked and flipped Donald onto the other side of him. Donald landed with a harsh thud. Donald's belly was on the ground and Gladstone placed his flipper on his back, arms pinned backward. "WHAT HAS GOTTEN TO YOU!?"

"That's not Uncle Donald, he is still trapped in the Gearloose labs. That my friends, is Magica de Spell" Dewy spoke. Donald suddenly let out a maniacal laugh.

"Or is it?"Donald spoke, a green light shone on the floor and a swirling vortex opened. Magica emerged a grin on her face.

"I'll say, you have a very interesting nightmare indeed," Magica spoke. Donald suddenly appeared next to the witch. "I see you've meet my apprentice!" The color drained from the lucky ganders face.

"Gladstone this is not real! You have to wake up!" Huey panicked trying to grab the ducks attention.

"I-I failed Donald! It's all my fault," Gladstone backed away.

"Its not real," Louie repeated Huey.

"This-this-- feels so real. Donald this isn't you. You are not a bad person." Gladstone backed off as Magica and Donald came forward, a sinister twinkle in their eyes.

"You know Donald would never hurt us, or you. This is exactly what Magica wants. For you to loose all hope in you and Donald. She wants you to stop fighting back!" Webby spoke. Magica raised her staff, pink shining from the staff.

"Must be so painful to know that the person you put all your trust into failed you. That you couldn't be a good enough person to stop them from ending up on the wrong side of the tracks! Here let me put you out of your pain!" Magica shot Gladstone. Webby tackled him to the ground just in time. A harsh ringing noise echoed in Gladstones ear as he hit his head on the black assfault(concrete)


The atmosphere was completely black. Not a speck of light anywhere.

Gladstone collapsed to the floor of Gearloose labs. Tears in his eyes. "Donald," Gladstone cried.

"I was always so afraid of Donald ending to on he wrong side of the tracks. I always worried that someone would betray him and he would resort to violence." Gladstone spoke covering his face. The kids looked at him sideways. That explanation didn't quite match with the nightmare.  Gladstone turned to them and saw the confused look on he children's faces. Gladstone hesitated for a moment. " I was turned over to Tad U High by a very close friend of mine, looking for a few bucks. Kids, the world isn't always rainbows the and unicorns. There are bad people out there. You have to be careful, watch your back... I don't want Donald to end up like me.."

A look of sorrow appeared on the children's faces.

"Believe us when we say we have encountered this type of threat, you know Donald enough to know, he would never turn his back on you. he is strong and independent, stubborn sure, but he would never turn his back in anyone. He knows what's important, family. He has no inner goal, he has already lost one family member. He would never do that again. He loves us all, even you," Dewy spoke with a smile. Gladstone chuckled to himself.

"Your right," Goadstone admitted. The kids came in for a hug and Gladstone opened his arms. A bright flash later and they were back in the Gearloose Labs. "Four down, five to go."

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