Chapter 4

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...2 Weeks later...

Scrooge was getting colder and colder with each passing day, and Magica's power was growing as the Eclipse draws near. Everyone was feeling the stress...

Donald was fixing the boat after the boys found out about Della and what happened to her. But they had to remain at the mansion for a few more days before they could sail off to the marina.

Ms Beakly was looking for a new job, something about engineering and a better life profession, and not working for Scottish brats that hit there own nephews and yell at her grandchild. So Webby and Ms Beakly stay in the mansion for a few more days until Ms Beakly finds a new job.

Scrooge sat in his office yelling at Gyro's cockamamie inventions.

"The Gyro Haywire, glowing hay, that has to be the most STUPIDEST invention that I have ever heard. Glow in the dark hay, ha." Scrooge laughed.

"A simple 'no' would have done Mr McDuck," Gryo Gearloose snickered. Magica didn't have a grip on Scrooge this time.

...Gryo's Point if View...

I spent weeks soon weeks trying to please Mr McDuck. From the lil' Bulb fiasco, to Gearloose Armour malfunction/ Gizmoduck. Its like he will never be satisfied.

I try to be a good person, please my boss. Eventually he's going to cut my funding, THEN what am I going to do. Fenten Crack Shell Cablara passed by Gryo with a stack of papers.

"Oh Mr Gearloose, I have some modifications for-" Fenten said turning around to Gryo balancing the papers.

"Not now intern I'm busy," Gryo said fitting his hand in the air to stop Fenton from speaking.

Fenton glanced down. Gryo can't even take a minute to listen to his ideas. Solve world hunger blah. Inferred toothbrush blah. Cure cancer, blah.

Fenton went into Scrooge's office.

"Mr McDuck is everything okay, Mr Gearloose seems to have... his gears loose. Do you know what's going on?"

"Gryos inventions keep on failing, I'm I'm sick and tired of the cockamamie inventions he comes up with. The board needs results." Scrooge said stacking papers on his desk and signing them. Fenton agreed then walked out of the office.

Nightfall had come and everyone was in bed, sound asleep, except for Scrooge.

"Why me?" He asked himself. It was true the board needed results but Gryo can't come up with anything good. The Gearloose armor was fine until that blasted Fenton Crackshell Cablara ruined everything.

That duck needs to learn not to stick his beak in other peoples businesses.


The next morning, Scrooge walked outside arguing with himself.

"Why do you keep Gryo and that intern around, there just a waste of money and time," Magica argued

"I happen to care for them, I just don't have the heart to fire them," Scrooge Replied. He walked over to the edge of the mountain where Huey was standing, a slight breeze whipping at his hair. A moment of silence passed between the two until Scrooge sat a little behind Huey. I'm sorry that I shouted at you." Scrooge apologized rubbing his arm.

Magica was surprised at this turn of evens, her plans were going to fall apart if she didn't do something.

"All the money in the world, and you didn't even try to look for her," Huey said getting up. Scrooge got up and grabbed Huey's hand.

"I did, I went almost broke, bankrupt looking for her. The board ended my expeditions." Huey rolled his eyes and snatched his hand away from Scrooge's grip.

"Your a monster, built her a rocket and didn't even have someone test it out before you gave it to her," Huey said.

"Please," Scrooge begged.

Huey's gazed softened and water began to cover his sight.

"I miss her Uncle Scrooge," Huey spoke hugging his Uncle. Scrooge patted his head and helped him up. Scrooge was all too aware of how close to the edge they were. Suddenly, Scrooges arm jerked  forward, sending his bright and responsible Huey down into a abyss of darkness.


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