The Heart Was Made To Be Broken

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Only one life, that soon is past. Only what's done with love will last



It's been a week since my failed suicide attempt. Here I am, alive and healthy, seated in the sitting room with the rest of the family. The room is full of laughter and chatter, everybody is having a good time.

As I sat there, I thought to myself "Love in itself didn't need a complicated definition. Maybe it doesn't need eternity and sacrifice and all the pure love crap. Love is dynamic, burning and alive. Love is not a battle field, the battle field is the past you haven't dealt with yet. And I realized that, not all love stories have a happy ending

I got distracted by my thoughts for just a minute, when Laure my good friend suddenly appeared and brought me back to reality.

I have known Laure for like forever, she is one of my childhood friends. She is one of those people that know no peace in their lives, when she finds herself in a peaceful, loving environment, she gets worried.

She grew up in an unhealthy environment, all she has ever known is drama, chaos, fights, and aggressiveness. Her mother and stepmother hated each other very much, so they were always quarreling.

Eventually, her mother got tired of fighting with her husbands second wife and left the house years ago. She never looked back, neither did she return. She simply moved on, now she is happily married to another man with two children.

On top of all that, Laure's father always makes her life difficult, because she has been at war with her stepmother for as long as I cannot even recall. He always takes his wife's side, that's why they don't see eye to eye with his daughter.

During all these years, my mother has been Laure's anchor in the storm of life. Her kindness and care gives comfort to Laures young, troubled soul.

I on the other hand, is one of the peaceful type. I grew up in a healthy environment, All I know is peace and love. Thanks to my loving mother, whom is a true woman and a role model for many. Her femininity, understanding and care have no end. Anybody can confide in her and she'll always cheer them up. I couldn't ask for a better mom, for Even in my flaws, She sees perfection.

Laure and I are totally different, but yet compatible. We have accepted each others unique differences with open hearts. We respect each other and either one of us chose to always see the good in the other despite the differences.

Laure often takes a tour into my cool, peaceful life and I also explore her cool, dramatic world every now and then. Here we are, after so many years of friendship. 

We haven't seen each other in a while, but it hasn't changed how we see or feel about each other. I am so glad she is here because we have a lot of catching up to do. After exchanging pleasantries, she asked me to accompany her to the market to do some shopping for her step mother as she usually does. But this time, she Wants to save some cash for herself.

She always gets free tomatoes if she goes to the market with me. The tomato seller never collects her money if he sees me, because he likes me and he just loves the sight of me.

He says "A single glance is enough to make his day, Nothing can be more beautiful to the eyes than that spectacular view of zulai, no amount of money or tomatoes can be able to pay for that view". It's safe to say that he is good at boosting my ego.

I pity that tomato seller, but that's life and nobody gets poor by giving. some people are just generous regardless of their earnings, he earned so little, Yet it doesn't stop him from giving.

Laure is in desperate need of money, Her friends wedding is coming up next week and she is one of the brides maids. She made it clear that this wedding is very important to her, and she needed to make an appearance, an unforgettable one. She needs the extra cash to buy a matching shoe for her brides maids clothes.

She only needs half of the money. It turns out that Laure has already collected half of it from her boyfriend whom she desperately wants to get rid of now, because he couldn't come up with the remaining half.

Laure condemns her boyfriend for being poor, she believes he wouldn't be able to take good care of her. She wants a lavish lifestyle and he cannot afford to give it to her. She just sees him as a means to an end.

She asked me to help her come up with a plan in order to get rid of him, and I agreed to help her do just that. It's not fair to him, but life itself isn't fair. We don't always get what we want, do we?

Money is the fastest and easiest way to Laure's heart, It is the key ingredient she searches for in a man. She believes that money is the best quality a man could ever possess, which is contrary to what I believe. Money is not what I am looking for in a man, if it was, I would have long been married to Alhaji Tanko.

But to be honest, her so called boyfriend is trying his best considering the means of his livelihood. He doesn't earn that much, but he has enough to cover her expenses if she would just stop being selfish and extravagant. He is nothing compared to Alhaji tanko, But he tries his best to meet up with her never ending demands.

He is madly in love with laure, he has dedicated his life to serving her. He gives her whatever she wants to the point that she doesn't appreciate it anymore.

He gives Laure almost all of his money while his dear wife whom is his first responsibility starve. Laure has tapped him dry and she wants nothing to do with him anymore. She said she wants someone as rich as Tanko.

Maybe Laure is his Karma, for karma comes in different shapes and sizes. Most people don't realize it though.

I got ready in no time, And we set out for the market. It feels like the good old times, it feels just right. At that moment, I forgot I had problems. It felt good.


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