Desperate Souls

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"Deep love is a chapter that unfolds a canvas which is yet to be filled with colors of love between two soul mates"



I heard a knock on the door and I rushed to get it. I wanted to see who is desperately banging on It at this early hours of the day.

As soon as I opened the door, I was greeted by the ever-so friendly glare of Aunt Rakiya or spawn of Satan, I really can't tell the difference.

Beside her is someone I never thought I would ever see again in my life at my door step, It is Alhaji Tanko In flesh. Odd combination, I thought. Aunt Rakiya kept smiling like a wicked witch as she stared right into my eyes analyzing my facial expression.

I couldn't hide my surprise. What puzzled me most is the company she brought, knowing how she hated him. She calls him a monster.

"I heard that the boy you've been chasing up and down is getting married soon. Foolish girl" Aunt Rakiya said as she burst out laughing.

She kneeled on the floor and clutched her
stomach as she laughed hard. Her eyes were watery because of the excessive laughter. It looked like there is a fountain in them.

She sobered up when Alhaji Tanko cleared his throat and walked past me to my mothers room leaving us by the door.

Alhaji Tanko looked at me and smiled like a goof. He was about to say something but he got/was interrupted by Aunt Rakiya.

"Zulai, come over here. I want to make an announcement, and I want you to hear it" Aunt Rakiya shouted.

Aunt Rakiya is full of laughter, energy and happiness today. I wondered what all the excitement is about as I made my way to my mothers room to join them.

"I want to invite you two to my daughters wedding, it's coming up in about a week. Alhaji Tanko is her lovely husband, wish them luck" Aunt Rakiya told us to our faces.

"I'm happy for him because he doesn't have to spend the rest of his life with this spoilt, selfish brat" she continued.

At first, I was amused and then annoyed. Not that I should have been surprised.

"Zulai doesn't even deserve to be with Alhaji Tanko, He was doing her a favor and she rejected him. God has rewarded him with a more deserving wife. This good for nothing will rot at home" Aunt Rakiya concluded.

I shook my head baffled by her words, I opened my mouth to say something, but I couldn't. I knew I would be giving her what she wanted, I closed my mouth and looked away.

Aunt Rakiya looked at me with amusement, as though she was waiting for this her whole life. My humiliation danced on her tongue, her mouth ready to destroy me.

"At last, Alhaji Tanko has found a more suitable bride for himself. I wish them All the best. We will be at the wedding by God's grace and if there's anything you need, don't hesitate to tell me". My mother said

She continued  "Incase you haven't noticed, My Zulai is not built for any kind of man and she would not rot at home. By Gods grace, she would find what she is truly looking for soon. She is not a worthless piece of merchandise that is being used for a pathetic cause for revenge"

"Rakiya, I pray to God to bestow upon you that which you deserve".  My mother added as she showed Aunt Rakiya the way out.

Aunt Rakiya was shocked by my mothers reply, because never has she ever talked back, disrespected or disagreed with Aunt Rakiya. Not until today, I myself was surprised.

Aunt Rakiya was enraged, "your evil girl will rot at home" she spat out as she hurriedly walked out of the room looking like she has just received the news of the death of a family member.

I bowed my head and slummed my shoulders in misery as I dragged myself slowly out of the room, I was sad and disappointed.

My mother took pity on me, she couldn't let me walk away with that terrible look on my face. She called me back, but she couldn't say a word. It looked like she is short of words, and she is finding it hard to tell me what she wanted to tell me.

She embraced me into a hug, She did it slowly and delicately as if I was made of glass or feathers. Icebergs could melt in the warmness of that hug. I stood there, with my vulnerability sheltered by my mothers arms

I didn't say a word, but she understood. That's how my super mom is, she just understands even if she didn't really understand.

A suffocated sob escaped from my mouth, it was short and quiet like a hiccup of pain. My mother consoled me, she finally found her words back.

With her caring words, The world wasn't as heavy anymore. Though I was a sobbing mess with runny nose and crooked teeth at the end of the day.

I wondered how Aunt Rakiya knew about my Tanimu. It felt like she has poked an open wound with a sharp blade and it has become new. Her bitter words spilled poison on my wounds.

There is a hole inside of me that would stay even when my face is wrinkled. All I could do is to try to fill that hole with anything I could get a hold of. Preferably, my Tanimu.

My heart squeezed and cried and slammed against my ribs. I know a part of me will always be waiting for him

In this crazy world, full of change and chaos, there is one thing of which I am certain, one thing which does not change: my love for Tanimu

Aunt Rakiya and Alhaji Tanko  are just shadows who would soon blur out of my life, but not my Tanimu.

Even if Alhaji Tanko comes back to me now, my answer still stands. I will not marry him, I would rather rot and decay in my parents house than spend the rest of my life with that useless, conniving idiot.

I hate him even more, now that he has become one of Aunt Rakiyas puppets. they are a perfect match.

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