And In This World, He Is My World

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"Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within"


When I opened my eyes, I saw everyone looking at me as I lay silently in bed wondering how I got there. Then I heard my brothers voice "you better be okey you freak, you gave us a fright".

I saw my tanimu, seated at the other end of the room with his eyes fixed on me, looking Sad and beautiful like a Venice winter paysage. He rose in one fluid motion and sat beside me with mixture of expressions.

Are you okey? He asked. I nodded, he sighed and smiled in relief and I returned the smile.

We got carried away by each other that we lost consciousness of our surrounding. He sat next to me with his chest hungry of air and his eyes lost in mine.

I took off my safety mask, liberating myself from all the heaviness of the world, it's standards and poisoned love. And in this world, Tanimu is my world.

My breath hitched and my heart throbbed rapidly. I felt tingly sparks. All the words I wanted to say to him were completely lost, they were shadowed by his Love, silence and pain. He is still hurting, I can see it in his eyes. But his love for me is stronger than the pain and hurt.

At that moment, our souls almost collided but A loud disturbing noise made our heads snap towards the direction it was coming from. It was Jamilu, I gave him a dirty look that could instantly send him to hell.

Who gave you the permission to sit there? Who the hell are you anyways? Jamilu asked.

He spat out words and obviously Saliva. He talked with bitterness and hostility. If there was a breathing definition of cruelty, it was him. He moved closer and looked like he was about to hit my Tanimu.

With scowling faces, they seemed ready to smash each others jaws. Their reasons were obvious, yet they were deeper than a simple hormones-charged rage, or selfish nature of their own pride and ego. It was about a girl, a girl they both seemed to care about, and whose love they wanted to conquer in two different ways.

Tanimu was humiliated by Jamilu. At some point, he was ready to fight back, ready to put Jamilu in his right place, but then he quickly calmed down and moved to the other side of the room and watched me from a distance. I sat there helplessly, wishing he was still seated next to me. We had a moment, an unforgettable one. Before I could do anything, Tanimu was gone in a flash.

Jamilu was acting like a whiny jealous bitch, I wanted to pour an ocean of saliva on him. I hated him, his words and his presence . I wanted him to disappear, to turn into a glass and break into a thousand little pieces.

He is rotten inside and out, He acted as if the universe was there to please his desires. He is a bitter hypocrite who believes birthdays are sad, a celebration of another year wasted away. He thinks he is cool, but he is just room temperature

He sat next to me and started laying out some relationship rules for our non existing relationship to me after treating my tanimu like a piece of garbage. I was irritated by his actions.

He said "We need to talk, we have something real going on here. We are getting married soon. I don't want you associating with any other guy apart from me. Got it?

"Shut the hell up you Fish brain". I yelled at Jamilu.

Who are you to tell me what something real looks like? You don't even know who your real mother is, Maybe that's why you find it difficult to understand something real and genuine. Your whole life is a lie.

The look on his face brought me back to my senses, i wish I hadn't opened my mouth. I wanted to swallow back all the words that came out of it, but it was too late. The damage had already been done.

I didn't want it to go that far, but my emotions escaped and started a fire. The words just flew out of my mouth and looked like I had no idea what I was doing.

There it was, the secret Aunt Rakiya had been protecting with her life for a very long time. She kept it away from him for far too long. Now i have spilled it all out, I know she would never forgive me.

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Love You All 😘
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