Catching Feelings

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"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies".



Iro opened his eyes immediately and looked at me, then he smiled. I had a very good look at him, I carefully examined all his physical features. He looks just fine, he doesn't have any disability or deformity. This is something I can live with, although he seemed a little bit weird which is making me so uncomfortable.

What a beauty, Iro said as he took a deep breath. I couldn't wait to open my eyes and take a look at this wonderfully carved creature that I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with. You shouldn't have closed your eyes then I said as I laughed, but he didn't find it funny. He maintained a straight face while he stared at me for a while as though he was wondering why I find it funny. It is bad luck for a man to see his suitor first, that's why I made sure you saw me first he replied. I couldn't help but wonder where he got that silly belief from.

Zulai, to me you are a dream come true. you are an angel in the form of a human presented before me, I shall take this sacred gift and I will guard and protect it with my life. I caught myself foolishly smiling when he said that.

There's water on the trey, please help yourself I said as I pointed to the trey talatu  had brought earlier. He didn't move  from his seat so I took the bowl and handed it to him, he couldn't collect it because he was holding a piece of red thread and a stone in his hands. He made a terrible sound that made my whole body tremble with fear, the bowl I was holding slipped from my hands and hit the floor, the content in it was splashed all over the floor. 

He quickly apologized. sorry my dear, I didn't mean to scare you, but it is bad luck to let your suitor give you food or drink the first time you meet. if you allow it, food will never taste the same to you again and you shall die a poor, wretched, lonely man. Your suitor will never set foot in your house and one day You will drown in your own misery and die alone. I felt a little scared of Iro, but I managed to hide it. What sort of a human being is he, I wondered.

Beside Iro was a black cock and a white chicken rested on the floor, there was also a calabash and a kolanut in it. He carefully plucked one feather from each one of the animals and tied it together with the red thread he was holding, he placed it carefully on the floor and then walked over it with his mismatched shoes which he wore in opposite direction. It's a black slipper with white stripes on it, He wore the right shoe on the left foot and vice versa. He commanded me to do the same but I refused. He said these two animals represent us, they are a symbol of our love. It is good luck to walk over the feathers, You will live a happy long and prosperous life if you do it. I refused

He picked the two feathers and replaced them with the kolanut inside the calabash. He cut the kolanut into two halves and gave me one half while he ate the other half as he sat back in his seat. "Eat it" he said with a commanding voice. I said no again, I don't believe in superstition.

On hearing that, his expression changed immediately. Anger was evident in his face, his eyes were intense, his nostrils flared and his pupils were dilated. The pounding, rhythmic sound of his approaching footsteps sent me into action. I was on my feet, I quickly took a step back and casually searched around to find a place that I could escape if needed. He scared me to death, my hands started shaking uncontrollably.

Iro is standing right in front of me, A dark figure standing tall and forbidden. He gave me a cold smile almost out of courtesy and obviously forced out and said " I see you're not taking me seriously, these things are very important and we have to do it sooner or later weather you like it or not. It is compulsory for any couple to do it if they want to live a happy and fulfilling life. I won't let you take that away from me zulai. I shall leave now, Marka my sister will come and fix this before our wedding". Goodbye, and he left barefooted. He must have noticed I was scared that's why he left. I was on the verge of screaming just before he left.

It took me a while to recover from the shock, I couldn't help but wonder why he chose to make simple things so difficult for himself. I wonder why he chose this path.

I wanted the day to be done, Meeting Iro my supposed future husband was not an anticipated event of my life. Deep inside, I know I am not ready to get married, because I'm pretty sure that the man that's meant for me is not here yet. I don't mind waiting, I am still at the peak of my spinster life. I thought

My train of thoughts were broken when I heard footsteps, had some fingers snapped in my face. someone said " I always wonder what's going on in that head of yours" I replied " a lot, you absolutely don't wanna know" , we laughed to that and she said let's get ready, we have a wedding to attend. It is my best friend Jummai. Jummai, Lami and myself are quite a pair. We were the best of friends.

We got ready and hurriedly set out for our friends house to attend her wedding. I left without saying goodbye to anyone at home because I don't want them to stop me from going out. I needed to get out and clear my head after the Iro encounter. I also don't want to talk about it with anyone, at least not today.

We were about to take the final turn to our destination when I casually looked around. from my line of sight, I saw a familiar tall, lean, masculine, strikingly beautiful body. It was him, the mysterious guy, the guy that saved me at the market square. He was looking at us, We were so engrossed in our conversation that we didn't notice him watching us. He's coming towards our direction now, He came to a halt right in front of me. I swallowed hard, I lifted my chin and boldly met his gaze. When his eyes held mine, they were as unreadable as a coded diary at the bottom of the sea. I felt my heart leap inside my chest for one insane second. It might have been a full minute or two, I wasn't sure.

He stood there looking at me with a small smile of enchantment on his lips, Now his eyes glowed with excitement. I twisted my fingers nervously, a habit I never get over with.

My heart started to throb wildly in my rib cage and My fragile hands were so cold. I quickly looked away embarrassed. I managed to utter a thank you while I was shyly looking down at my feet. Like a flash of lightening, I immediately backed away and moved past him. Before I disappeared I heard the sound of his sweet voice, He said "The name is Tanimu, see you around mystery girl". I didn't say anything, I just kept walking.



I was sitting under the famous mango tree shade enjoying the cool breeze and trying to forget all the things bothering me. I looked up, but before my eyes could even fall on her shadow, my heart stopped and raced at the same time. It was her, the girl from the market square. I knew right there and then that I had to make a move, I wanted to know her, or at least just her name. My eyes held hers as I strode towards her, covering the distance between us. I stopped and stared at her intently, I was so in love with the view. I wish I could spend forever looking at her because it made me forget all of my problems. I was totally dumbstruck like a teenage boy. I was paralyzed on my feet and all of my body instantly turned numb.

She looked so beautiful and innocent, standing there in front of me. Her expression a mixture of surprise and delight. I wonder how she got involved in that scandal the other day, she looked like a very peaceful angel. But I'm glad she did, otherwise we wouldn't have met.

She spun around and walked away, I must have given her a fright with the way I was looking at her. She left me feeling like I had just been side swept by a tornado. I blurted out my name and a see you around and waited for a reply. I did get a reply, but not from her. The girl beside her whom I haven't noticed earlier said "her name is Zulai" before walking away.

Thanks for reading 🙏
Love you loads 😘❤️
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