The Sound Of A Broken Heart

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"The beautiful thing about love is that you just need to plant it once and nurture it and it shall bloom into blossoms that would cover the valleys"


Alhaji Tanko

Our wedding is a few days away, I have been busy making arrangements for it. I haven't seen zulai in two days, I never thought I could survive it. Well, let me be on my way to her, we have a lot to discuss.

I quickly got ready and set out for her house. I arrived a few minutes later. I entered the sitting room, My face immediately lit up as I spotted my zulai looking as dashing as always.

My Zulai was not alone in the sitting room, she was with her brother and two unfamiliar guys. Her brother welcomed me, and we exchanged pleasantries.

One of the two guys said hello to me but the other one ignored me. He was busy talking to my zulai, They were buried in a deep conversation that she didn't even notice I was there until her brother nudged her and cleared his throat.

She looked at me dryly as if she has never seen me before, she reluctantly said hello under her breath. I sat on the chair next to her, but she got irritated, it was as if she wished otherwise.

There was an awkward silence for a while, but her brother managed to clear the air. He engaged everyone In a new conversation which seemed to interest them again. I tried to join the conversation, but I didn't know what to say.

I just listened. when I asked a question, she ignored me. Her brother felt bad, so he gave me a straight forward answer as if I was wasting his time unnecessarily. I knew he answered me out of courtesy, he didn't want me to feel bad or unwanted.

I got tired of trying, so I sat there silently watching and wondering what was wrong with me, I even thought I was invisible. At that moment, I wished I was.

Zulai was busy talking to the guy that is desperately trying to ignore me, he was acting as if I didn't exist even though he kept throwing quick glances my way. It seemed she knew him so well, maybe they are related and he's here for the wedding.

It's like she has missed this guy a lot because at that moment, talking to him was like oxygen to her. I wished I was part of them, I wished I was part of the conversation. They talked and laughed at jokes I didn't even understand. Their eyes glowed with excitement.

And the way he looked at her, with the smug face, and the way she just stared at his lips, it made me go nuts.

After sitting there hopelessly waiting for nothing, I decided to head back home. I asked zulai to accompany me to the gate so that I could get a chance to ask her what I have done wrong, but she said her leg was paining her.

She quickly stood up and lead the way when her brother gave her a dirty look. We walked in silence and she tried as hard as possible to avoid my gaze.

I finally gathered the courage to talk to her, I said "zulai my love, what.....

"Don't you ever call me that again", she retorted before I could even finish the sentence

She continued "I will never marry you if that's the question you were about to ask. Don't ever talk or look at me again, don't ever come back here again. It's over, please leave me in peace"

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