The Mystery Guy

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"To lose someone you love is to alter your life forever, the pain might stop but the gap never closes, the hole in your heart is the shape of the one you have lost, no one else can fit in".



How could Lami do this to me? Does our friendship mean anything to her at all? I asked myself.

My anger had transformed into rage now, a wild and hungry fire is burning within me. Had she ever considered that it was hard for me too? If not more? He's like a father to me.

I didn't know when I snapped back, "You miserable ingrate, what more do you want? Go and deal with your anger issues you filthy cow, I have important things to do and you're not worth my time. You're disgusting, looking at your ugly face makes me wanna throw up. One more word and I'll take back the promise I have made, I will marry your father and there's nothing you could do about it".

Lami strode towards me with greeted teeth and clenched fists, she threw a punch at me. Lucky enough, She promptly collided with a solid body. A tall-clad figure of a man was standing between us, Her face hit the wall of his chest so hard that it made her lost balance, she stumbled backwards and hit the floor.

It was a mysterious guy, a new guy perhaps.  I've never seen him before. Maybe they just moved here. The mystery guy said "fighting is not good for both of you, I think you should settle this like adults" while he slowly turned around and faced me. He suddenly fell silent, standing there, looking at me as if I was a piece of specimen. I could feel his gaze traveling up and down my body. My cheeks suddenly felt warm, I was embarrassed by his scrutiny. I quickly adjusted my veil, covering my body properly.

Lami finally came back to her senses, I watched her dragging her self off the floor in shame because a crowd had already formed and everyone was watching her. I turned to Mr new mysterious guy so that I could thank him for saving my life, but he was no where to be found. He was gone in a flash, There was no trace of him. Shouldering through the crowd, I left the market square and headed back home.

I was still struggling to keep my composure while I stumbled on my way back home. I couldn't stop thinking about the scene that had just unfolded before my eyes and the new guy that saved me. Our encounter only lasted for split seconds but I couldn't stop thinking about him. It made me so edgy and nervous, I couldn't help feeling so conscious of his nearness, I felt like my personal space was invaded when he stepped in between us blocking Lami with his tall, lean, masculine and beautifully proportioned body.

Thankfully, I reached some safely. That evening my mother came to me with hajia Markas proposal. At first, I was hesitant to make a decision because I have lost interest in the whole Dating and marriage thing after a few experiences, the whole thing is so overrated. But then I thought, What do I got to lose? I haven't met him yet, but I have a feeling that I'll be far better off with him than with Alhaji Tanko. I accepted the proposal and Everything was set. I was ready to meet him that evening.

It was time for me to meet Iro, Hajia Markas brother. Closing my eyes and taking deep breaths, I gave myself a moment to gather my composure. I had to move on, the past is in the past. When I opened my eyes, I was ready to face whatever it is that is seated in the sitting room. I walked slowly down the corridors, made my way outside the house and walked straight to where the sitting room windows were, I crouched down behind the window directly opposite to where he was seating. I quickly peeped inside, I heaved a sigh of relief when I saw him through the window, Iro is nothing like Alhaji Tanko.

I quickly got up and went inside the sitting room. I smiled half heartedly as I walked inside the room in an attempt to seem polite, but instead of saying anything I just took my seat at the farthest corner of the room. We sat there in silence for about ten good minutes, with his eyes closed like a crazy blind monkey, I wonder why. Why is he wasting my time, why don't we just get this over with, I thought.

Hope you had a wonderful day I said, breaking the silence. He opened his eyes immediately.


Alhaji Tanko

Some people cry with tears, others with thoughts, I guess I'm one of the second half. I thought I was angry, because I haven't been myself ever since zulais rejection, but it seems my father was more furious than I am. He has been bitter for days, All he does is pace around while throwing curses. I don't blame him, what happened to me was hurtful, and being his eldest male son, I'm like a priceless possession he needs to protect at all cost. I expect that reaction from him, but It has gone worse today, I heard him saying  "It's been two weeks ever since that stupid girl rejected and humiliated my son and I haven't gotten my revenge yet. I'm sure by now I'm the laughing stock of this whole town. I've been skimming and plotting but all in vain, nothing seem to work, How embarrassing. I thought this would be easy, but it clearly isn't. I have to do something, and soon. I've got to hit back, I have a reputation to maintain. I won't let this go, I have to get my revenge sooner or later, even if it means dragging Zulai by the hair and taking her to Tankos house, I'll do it. I Alhaji Tanko will soon claim my victory. Let me go to Shehu My good old friend and see if he could help me" and then he left.

I know he has gone too far, but I didn't stop him because I wanted zulai for myself by all means. Right now, that's what matters to me most. I can't bear the thought of losing zulai, to lose someone you love is to alter your life forever, the pain might stop but the gap never closes, the hole in your heart is the shape of the one you have lost, no one else can fit in. I hope my father succeeds in whatever plan he has in mind.

Happy reading lovelies ❤️
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