I Call It Madness, She Calls it Love

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"Hear my soul speak of the very instant that I saw you, did my heart fly at your service"



I was laying peacefully in bed when I heard screams coming from our backyard. I sprinted out of bed and rushed out to see what's happening. I saw Raliyat on the floor with my mother by her side screaming and shouting on top of her lungs.

Raliyat has collapsed. She Passed out while preparing my favorite dish for me which She never gets a thank you or a little bit of appreciation for, but that has never stopped her from doing it anyway.

She worked tirelessly to please me. She washes my clothes and cooks for me. She also clean my room and toilet. I send her out on errands sometimes. But I hardly even look at her, I treated her like a desperate piece of stick that is not worthy of my attention

Raliyat practically worships me, she lives and breathes to please me. she sees me as her husband, she treated me like one which I find extremely annoying.

She is always by my side whether I like it or not. She always brings my food as soon as I come home, serves it to me and watch me patiently while I eat. She clears and do the dishes when I am done.

She hardly talks while I am talking out of respect for me. She always agrees to whatever I say even if it is not correct or it doesn't make any sense. She always takes off her shoe and walks barefooted when I am around, because It is believed that walking in your shoes in the presence of elders or people you value is a sign of disrespect.

I often ask her why she does all the things she does for me, and she replies "Love". All I see then was pure "madness". Now I perfectly understand what she meant. I speak her language. Love is a stupid thing, it makes you do all sorts of crazy things.

Raliyat is one of those girls that don't appreciate their beauty and worth. These kind of girls are always taken for granted. She doesn't have much curves, but she is tall, fair in complexion and she's got a pretty face. She's loud, she talks a lot and really fast that I barely even get what she is saying, that's why I always ask her to repeat herself. She makes stupid dry jokes and annoying sounds while she sleeps. she's always nice and happy around me which I find annoying and too fake.

I quickly helped my mother pick her up and we rushed her to the hospital. I was worried, more than I ever thought I could be. Yakubu joined us in no time.

I watched as she just laid helplessly with the doctor and nurses trying their best to revive her. She looked weak, pale and sick. She has lost some weight over the days. They rolled her on the hospital bed until she was out of sight.

From that moment, I promised myself that I'll start appreciating all the little things she does for me when she makes it out of the hospital alive.

Yakubu was quiet for the first time in his life, no insults or bitterness. He's got a mixture of emotions on his face as he sat at the waiting room impatiently waiting for an update on Raliyats condition. He is indeed buried in his fatal thoughts. His body is here but his mind and soul were elsewhere.

After hours of waiting, the doctor came out. We were relieved when he told us Raliyat has regained consciousness and she would be just fine. The reason why she collapsed was because she is under a lot of stress and she is malnourished. He prescribed a few meds for her most of which are vitamins and dietary supplements.

"You are free to take her home, But make sure she gets some rest and a decent meal as soon as possible or else she would lose the innocent life she is carrying" the doctor said before walking away and leaving us all in shock.

We were all shocked when we heard the news. Raliyat doesn't seem to be one of those girls, The kind of girls that give birth to bastard children. Because of her selfishness, she has ruined an innocent child's life. She has tainted it.

Raliyat has been asked several times to name the father of her child, but she has refused. My mother taught she could break her, surprisingly, she turned out to be tougher than we thought.

From that day, Raliyat made a new ememy out of my mother. My mother hated her with all her heart, she dispised her. She felt cheated and betrayed, though taking it out on raliyat wouldn't help the situation, it would only make it worse.

Raliyat became the black sheep of the family. The only thing that is keeping Raliyat in that house is because she is a cousin to my mothers husband, and he wants her to stay. Otherwise, my mother would have thrown her out on the streets long ago.

My mother gave raliyat additional chores, she worked like a horse from morning till night. She never even gets the time to rest or do something useful for herself. The worse thing is that she had to endure all the insults coming from my mother while she worked. on top of all that, she calls her all sorts of names.

Raliyat is broken from the inside, I can see it in her eyes. She bacame a sadist. She weeps all day long, she barely even speaks, but my mother never pitied her. I feel sorry for her, I desperately felt the need to relieve her of her pain and make her sadness go away.

Out of the kindness of my heart, I promised Raliyat a future. I agreed to marry her, I am ready to be a father to her bastard child. I would give him a last name, he's going to live a happy life as every child deserves to live. This is the only thing I could do to repay her for her kindness.

Who am I kidding? Maybe I'm doing this because I know Raliyat is an easy target, she is someone I can use and discard easily. Maybe I'm being selfish, but either ways, it's a win win for both of us.

Even if I divorce her in the future, she would not be slut shamed, she would be able to get another husband. And her child would not be a bastard. She's got nothing to lose.

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