Jealousy In It's Wildest Form

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"If you truly love someone, then the only thing you want for them is to be happy, even if its not with you"


I was on the edge of the well, saying my last prayers, but the first person that popped into my mind was my tanimu, and my father was second. He hates it when I act like a stupid brat, I know he would not be happy with me for doing this.

Unfortunately, I am left with no choice. I have already pressed my self destruct button. It is the only way all the pain will go away.

Talatu started shouting, "zulai has been bewitched, she has been obsessed. Somebody come and help me please. My father, mother, brother and kallamu came running to the rescue.

My father arrived first, he didn't say a word. he just stood there looking at me with a worried expression on his face afraid not to push my buttons any further by saying anything. He's trying to chose his words carefully. When I looked at him, I just couldn't find the strength to jump into the well.

I could see the disappointment in his eyes and I literally heard the sound of his breaking heart sinking into the pit of his stomach as he watched. On the other hand, my mother was already in tears.

I turned around and stepped down the edge of the well and ran to my mother. She gave me a warm hug, I felt safe in her arms. Her hold reassured me that she would always be there for me till the end of time, it almost brought a smile to my teary face. I felt lucky to have her.

My brother got tired of talatus shouts, so he addressed her. "Zulai is not possessed, she is just upset and this is her dealing with her anger" he said.

"Who did this to you?" My mother asked.

What a tricky question. God knows that Aunt Rakiyas slap is not what has made me this angry, I have gotten over it. besides she has been severely punished for it by Alhaji Tanko.

I couldn't tell her the real reason behind my anger, because she is not aware of my little love affair with Tanimu. She might not really understand that my anger was caused by pure jealousy.

"Aunt Rakiya slapped me" I replied.

When she saw the red on my cheeks, She let go of me and headed out. My brother, kallamu and one other friend quickly followed her. They went straight to Alhaji Tankos House. But by the time they arrived, Aunt Rakiya has already fled. She was no where to be found.

Alhaji Tankos wedding became the talk of the town and his six hours bride a joke everyone couldn't stop laughing at.

I also became the talk of the town and I started enjoying it, but my mother was not okey with it. Through her infinite wisdom and courage, she managed to clear my name.

Still, All the married women in this town feared me. they see me as a female version of Satan that conquers the hearts of men. Their men on the other hand think otherwise, most of them developed a sudden interest in me.

A week After Alhaji Tankos failed marriage attempt, he started stalking me. He became obsessed and so desperate that he started acting like a mad man in Love. He was willing to fight for me to his last breath, he wants to fight for my love, he wants to earn my trust back

I made it clear to him that nothing is ever going to happen between me and him. All I would ever see him as is my cousins six hours Ex husband. My love cannot be won by deceit or betrayal and my heart cannot be conquered through insensitivity or untrustworthiness

When all doors seemed closed and all hope seem to be lost, Alhaji Tanko was still not ready to let go. He is willing to give what ever it takes to be in my life. He profusely begged for my friendship, And I accepted. I agreed to become his friend just to ease his pain and agony of having to live with the fact that I'll never be his.

He holds that friendship dearly, close to his heart. He values it Much more than I have ever imagined, much more than his life itself.

Today is a new day and this is the new me. Everything feels different even the atmosphere. The hurt and the pain is no more, and hope has been renewed.

They say that "If you truly love someone, then the only thing you want for them is to be happy, even if its not with you". I wish all the best for my tanimu, my heart is at peace now.

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