The Fall Of A Drama Queen

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"To love is to expect nothing in return. To love is to risk yourself to an open fire. To love is to accept the other person, despite of all the flaws"



Talan had been married and divorced. Her story is a true example of "nothing lasts forever"

Talan Met Modibbo her Ex husband a year ago. He was her first real boyfriend, her first love and her one true love. She was his dream woman and he was her dream guy. He was her life and she was his.

They dated for a little while and then got married soon after. They married each other for the Love they had for each other. Talan was so eager to marry modibbo, little did she know that he'd become her worse nightmare.

They had that kind of love that is only heard in ancient stories or Indian movies. They loved and cherished each other, She was his heart and he was her soul. They had something special, something every couple admires and yearns for. They had the perfect love story.

Sadly, The flames died a week after their marriage. He felt nothing for her but hatred, the Sparks were no more. He hated her, He hated everything about her. All he wanted was to make her feel miserable, sad and unwanted. He feels She is not worthy of his love, affection and attention.

He started feeling embarrassed to be seen with her in public, he hates being associated with her. He feels she doesn't meet up with expectation. He believes she doesn't meet the criteria of the type of woman that is worthy to be called his wife. He calls her ugly duckling, now he sees her as the ugliest creature on earth.

Talan is not allowed to go out of his house, he forbade it. Everything she does annoys him, whether good or bad.

He doesn't laugh, he doesn't smile. He made her life a living hell. He shouts at her and scolds her over little things. There was a time when he cannot even stand the sight of her.

He hated the way she talks, the way she eats, the way she walks and the way she does everything. He often says he perceives a foul smell every time she comes near him, that's why he sits as far away as possible from her.

All he does is look at and admire each and every woman that comes his way, regardless of her looks, beauty, age, background, manners, upbringing, class and self respect. He finds everything woman appealing except his wife. He enjoys every woman's company except that of his wife.

If another woman does as much as boiling hot water for him, she receives his never ending words of praise and she becomes the best cook in the world. As for Talan, even if she would rip her heart out, cook it and feed it to him, she would never be praised and she'd be the worst cook ever.

He stopped eating her food and he hardly spends time with her. He started staying out very late, he always comes back while she is asleep. The only thing he does at home is sleep, he longs for day break while he sleeps. He gradually graduated to sleeping outside without any explanation to his wife.

Despite all the hurt and pain, Talan has never failed to fulfill her obligations as a wife. Her world is deafened by the quiet screams behind her happy eyes.

Life became unbearable for Talan that she started considering suicide as an option, she feels that asking for a divorce would put her and her entire lineage to shame. People around here do not take divorce lightly, It's seen as a curse, an abomination, shameful and humiliating.

"Suicide is not an option, Do not fear to lose what needs to be lost" i advised her when she told me how she felt the day I paid her a visit.

Talan became a valueless piece of shit to Modibbo. He finally let her go after two months, he couldn't stand her anymore. He gave her a divorce, the thing she dreads the most. But he has relieved her of her pain either ways, she wasn't as sad as everyone thought she'd be.

Her father was devastated, the elders in her family called modibbo and some elders from his own side of the family so that they can help him and Talan reconcile. When he came, He was asked to narrate what his problem was.

Modibbo started:

"My biggest problem with Talan is that "she always smells like rotten eggs. I perceive the smell every time she comes near me".

"Her food tastes bitter and it always makes me vomit, that's why i stopped forcing myself to eat it. When she sleeps at night, she snores like a pig and she turns into a certain type of creature that I cannot even describe".

"When she talks, she sounds like a strangled cat, and sometimes a dying seal, plus she never ever makes any sense. I hate when she tries to make a conversation, talking to her feels like talking to a mad gorilla".

"She eats like an obese cow and She walks like a wounded hippopotamus".

"I dread going home to her, I prefer staying out with other people. Every time I walk into my house, i feel like choking himself to death"

"If I look at her, I feel so angry, sad and heart broken. The mere sight of her makes me super angry, I am always in pain and misery. There are days when all I wanted to do is to choke her to death while she was asleep"

When he finished narrating his own side of the story, the elders were shook by his revelation. Instead of being mad at him, every one pitied him. They felt bad for him. They concluded that, this is not his doing. It is the work of the devil and it shall be dealt with as soon as possible.

Most of her friends thought he is just a big fat liar who has fallen out of love and is desperately looking for a way to justify what he has done to her. But no one protested, because we know that there is always wisdom in the elders decisions. We trust their instincts and foresight

A week after the incident, It was discovered that modibbo has been possessed by an evil spirit who was sent by an evil being to separate him from his wife Talan. It has succeeded, The damage has already been done.

He was taken to a traditional herbalist/healer, an expert in jinn and human possession. Modibbo was healed after three months, he is well again and he desperately needs to be reunited with his beloved wife.

He has changed a lot over the past few months. He wants his wife back, now more than ever. But a woman is unstoppable when she realizes she deserves better. Talan is not ready to go back to his house, she has sworn never to return.

Talan wants nothings to do with modibbo, she said she would never forgive him for treating her like garbage, for giving her a divorce and putting her to shame, and for almost ruining her entire existence.

She has moved on, and she is happier now. Marriage is the last thing on her mind right now, it doesn't interest her anymore.

Sometimes, I wonder if at all his love for her was real and sincere. Maybe modibbo is just Talans Karma, punishing her for her sins. Because Karma comes in different shapes and sizes. But most people don't realize it.

This incident has humbled Talan, she is kinder and more calm. She has been trying to change her ways, I hope she succeeds. I'll pray for her.

Thanks For Reading 🙏
Love You All 😘
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