The Devils Companion

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"Life is a game and true love is the trophy"



Today is just an ordinary day for me, I intend to stay home and enjoy the rest of the day doing nothing precisely. I took a shower and joined my brother, kallamu and one other guy in the sitting room.

They seem to be having a good time. They talked about so many things, From girls, to soccer, to food, politics, money and a few other things. I have to confess, I enjoyed their company even though I only chip in every now and then.

At some point, I got uncomfortable because kallamu kept attacking me with his eyes, so I discretely retired to my room.

I was sitting peacefully when a girl suddenly came in and interrupted my many thoughts. When I looked up, I saw Talan my not so nice friend.

It's been long since she last visited me. I know she wanted us to be friends again since neither one of us is getting married to Alhaji Tanko. I'm surprised to see her smiling, though her smile is sour, but at least she still smiles

I had the distinct feeling that Talan is quite happy to be here, I know she has missed me. I've also missed her, her hating and her drama too.

Talan my jealous friend, happens to be related to Alhaji Tanko. Alhaji Tanko claims to have first seen me at her wedding. But he couldn't approach me. Being the gentle man that he is, he chose to do things the right way. He had to ask for permission from my parents before courting me.

He asked Talan who I was, and the house I was from. Talan did tell him my name, but she couldn't tell him where I live. She just told him I was engaged to another man, which was a complete lie.

It turned out that Talan has a huge crush on Alhaji Tanko, but he only sees her as his little sister. Not long ago, I figured out that Alhaji Tanko is the cousin she couldn't stop talking about even on her wedding day.

Unfortunately for Talan, Alhaji Tanko is a fighter. He doesn't give up easily, so he told his father about it. Knowing that his father would do what ever it takes to give him what he wants. Fortunately, his father and mine were close friends, so everything was set up in no time.

She stopped talking to me when She heard about my engagement to Alhaji Tanko. She thought I have betrayed her, she thought I knew he was the cousin she couldn't stop talking about.

Talan is the jealous type, that jealous friend that everyone has. She cries herself to sleep whenever I had a new boyfriend and she didn't. Not to brag or anything, I'm the kind of girl that hardly goes out and come back without a single admirer. This simple fact seem to hurt talan a lot.

Talan is competitive in nature, that is why her mind is never at peace. I don't share a lot of things with her, because I know she would be jealous. She would have sleepless nights trying to figure out a way to meet up or beat it.

If I buy new clothes, Talan sees it as a challenge. She feels like it is an obligation for her to buy the same type of clothes or a more expensive one. She suffers a lot trying to make ends meet in order to meet up. If she fails to buy the same type of clothes, she calls mine ugly.

She even tells me that "even if I'll get paid to wear these kind of clothes, I wouldn't. God forbid".

I have caught Talan red handed countless times trying to steal my boyfriends, not that I cared. She always fails miserably that she started to smell like failure.

I'm not one of those girls that fight with other girls over boys. I patiently sit back and watch as karma catch up with her, each and every single time.

I always frustrate Talan because I don't stoop down to her level when she starts her drama. I simply ignore her, thereby denying her the pleasure of seeing me angry or allowing her to rain down her anger on me. Though Asabe and Jummai are always putting her in her right place for me.

When we have stupid fights, Talan prays for my beauty to fade away. She tells me that I will wake up the next morning looking like an old spent layer. This threat scared me a lot that the first thing I do the next morning is look at myself in the mirror and see if I have turned into an ugly old worn out chicken. I never did, Talan just wanted me to lose my beauty by all means.

When I got sick months ago, Talan had already buried me in her head. She asked me if she could inherit some of my beautiful clothes. But She pretended it was a joke when I confronted her later on.

Talan hates seeing me with new friends, she gets so jealous and she alway loses her temper. She has managed to steal a few friends from me though, after bad mouthing me.

But she cannot just stay away, it seems like she cannot survive without me. Sometimes, I get the feeling that she is one of the devils companions.

Talan had been married and divorced. Her story is a true example of "nothing lasts forever"

TO BE CONTINUED................

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