The Run Away Groom

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"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile".


Alhaji Dogo (Alhaji Tankos Father):

I have been living in shame for the past four weeks, but not anymore. I am Finally getting my revenge, Zulai is going to pay for what she had done soon. All I need to do is to figure out a way to bury this charm and the rest of the things that I've gotten from the voodoo man at her house. I can't do it myself because right now we are not on good terms with
them, It'd look suspicious. I have to find someone they trust, someone who has complete access to the house, someone they wouldn't suspect. I think I know exactly who that person is, Marka her mother's friend. I need to hurry and get this over with, I have a wedding to plan. Alhaji Tanko my son will soon marry Zulai.

I quickly left my house and went straight to Markas house, we met at the door because she was on her way out when I arrived. She was surprised to see me because ever since her husband died, I seldom pay her a visit. After saying our hellos I asked her where she was heading to. To my surprise , she said she was going to zulais house.

I put on my serious face and  said " Marka I seriously need a favor from you, I'm desperate and you're the only person That can help me. Besides, you owe me a favor." I want you to take this thing and bury it at zulais house,I brought out the tiny knot which is wrapped and sealed in animal skin. It contains a powdered substance in it, then I handed it to her. pour this in her food or drink and make sure she eats it I said, as I gave her a small piece of wrapped paper that contains a white powdered substance. And give her this perfume and make sure she uses it, I then handed her the small bottle of perfume I was holding. It shouldn't be difficult for you, I know you are a very good friend of her mothers. Do this little favor for me and we are even".

Marka was speechless for a while with a puzzled look on her face, she was so surprised. But she recovered quickly and asked me what it's meant for, I simply said I was paying back a favor I have received from zulai. Marka opened her mouth again, but before she could say anything, I said "No further questions". Marka gave it a little thought and then agreed, she assured me that she would do it. We had a deal and I was so relieved. We said our goodbyes and I left Marka still wondering why all this was happening. I don't really care what she thinks of me, who is she to judge? She has done worse. as long as She'll get things done, we'll be okey.


I arrived home so tired and thirsty after a long morning walk. on entering the house, I came face to face with the devil himself. Yakubu my mother's husband, the man I hate the most. We've always hated each other. He shot me a hostile glare which I responded with one.

With his voice full of venom, He said " your mother needs to talk to you, she's been looking for you for hours now".

I was out doing something useful with my life, I can't just sit around waiting for a woman to cater for my everyday needs. It's called having some dignity, I know it's not in your dictionary, Don't bother checking it I said. The force of my seething reply caught him off guard, and then quick anger lit in his eyes. My eyes held his disparagingly before I turned away not waiting for his reply.

He yelled, shooting me a murderous look "you stupid coward, say whatever you want to say. Your mother is my little puppet always dancing to my tunes, I always get what I want, unlike you".

His words buried their way under my skin, latching on and cutting the single thread of control I had left. I clenched my fist several times to control the rage that was building up inside me. I was glad when I heard My mother yelled out my name, I could use a distraction right now or else I'll scatter his face. I went straight to where my mother was.

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