The Walking Time Bomb

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"Love is mightier than hate; it doesn't need a sword to conquer"



I welcomed Talan warmly and we both sat at the edge of the bed. After a little while, Talan said she's here to discuss something very important with me.

Talan said that she is here to warn me, because she heard that her Ex husbands father was here on behalf of his son yawale to ask for my hand in marriage. She didn't know that my father instantly declined his offer.

The old man even said to my father that "Modibbo is one out of my five sons, please do not seal the fate of the other four based on Modibbo's horrible experience. He was possessed by an evil spirit, but he is well now".

And my father replied "I work with facts, not hearsay. Modibbo's story is believable, but it lacks consistency. I am not saying it's a lie, but investigate the matter a little bit deeper".

"Understand me, I am afraid he would turn out to be just like his brother Modibbo. I am doing us both a favor, because God knows that if your son makes zulai go through the same experience as Talan, i will not be happy".

Talan was relieved to hear this, she was overjoyed.

Jummai joined us shortly, we have a wedding to attend. Alhaji Tankos wedding is today, and I plan on giving them my blessing. Though, my mother does not want me to attend the wedding, but I insisted. Jummai is here to show solidarity, I'm sure she wouldn't miss this for the world.

We got ready, and set out for Alhaji Tankos house. We wore matching colors, red and black precisely. We felt like an army of Satan, coming for their next victim as we walked.

We went straight to Alhaji Tankos House, as part of the crowd accompanying the bride. We didn't arrive on time on purpose, we wanted all the attention we could get.

On reaching the entrance of the house, I saw jummai Giggling flirtatiously as she glanced over her shoulders at the group of men ogling us.

We were like an army of angels blissfully gracing the event with our presence. We walked as if we were doing the ground we walked upon a favor. There is something about this little moment that lasted an eternity

I looked super attractive, from the confidence that I ooze and the way I hold ourself to my flawless expressions and physique.

All the girls admired me and All the guys were drooling over me. Today, I made jaws drop and necks snapped.

I was smiling like the morning sun warming the day. The aura that radiates From me distinguishes me, Alhaji Tanko knew i was the one before raising his head up.

When Our eyes met, I could see the surprise in his eyes. he was so surprised to see me. For another two minutes, I stared unwillingly to the ruin i once called my cousin sitting on the same couch with my Ex as a married couple.

Alhaji Tanko didn't take part in the wedding, the whole of it. He locked himself at home while his father did everything for him.

This is the final stage of the marriage, this is where the elders would hand over the bride to her husband, after witch they'll give them valuable advises and marriage tips that would help them spend the rest of their lives in peace and harmony.

Alhaji Tanko kept staring at me like a maniac while they were handing his bride over to him. He was absent minded throughout the time.

He almost broke his neck while looking at me. he looked at me like a certain kind of delicacy, the most delicious one in the entire planet.

I am worried, because he is making a fool out of himself, disgracing his wife and his whole family while everyone was watching. Everyone turned towards my direction and watched curiously

I pity his so called wife. This is insulting, not to mention humiliating. If I were her, I'll simply dig up a hole, crawl inside it and bury myself alive. I'm sure it'd hurt less.

His bride was annoyed by his utter lack of attention, She cleared her throat in the hopes that he would realize what he was doing and stop it, but I swear he almost hit her for interrupting him. His eyes blazing with a fire that seems foreign on his normally kind face.

I wanted to punish them, make them pay for their mistakes, but this has gone too far and I am not a fan of violence. I quickly hid myself at a corner. To my greatest surprise, Alhaji Tanko shamelessly followed me after calling his bride an ugly cow.

"Life Ruiner" He yelled, and his voice vibrated like a roaring stereo Letting his anger seep through each and every word he said.

His eyes are open, but he is blind. He is looking , but he is refusing to see. He is with one woman, but his heart is indeed with another. It is strange how often a heart must be broken before the years can make it wise.

Aunt Rakiya has had enough, she lost it. she stopped what she was doing and started coming towards our direction. When she started towards me, I was ready To meet my bleak ending, but She decided not to end me. Instead, she gave me a dirty slap. I gawked at her, with my eyes filled with tears

Alhaji Tanko was so furious, he gave his new bride, her daughter a divorce right there and then just to punish Aunt Rakiya for slapping me.

My suspicion was right, Aunt Rakiya set this up out of hate and spite. Alhaji Tanko is not in love with my cousin.

Aunt Rakiya instantly regretted what she had done, she started begging me to forgive her. I ran out of the house, I felt like talking to someone. That person is none other than my tanimu, so I ran straight to his house. On reaching there, I saw him with another girl. I'm sure she is his fiancé, the girl he is engaged to. I couldn't interrupt their conversation, I simply walked away.

As I walked along the way, I thought of a thousand ways to end this once and for all. I decided to starve myself to death, but I know it would be painful and it'd take too much time.

So I moved to over dose, but I don't have any pills and I don't have any money. So I decided to slit my wrists and slowly bleed to death. but in my house, everybody is in everybody's business. I know I would get caught, if not by my mother, by talatu. A bright idea suddenly popped into my head.

I reached home safely, My father was the first person I saw. He was about to put a spoon full of rice in his mouth when he saw me. He quickly set it down and followed me quietly as I walked along the corridor.

My brother joined us along the way and they followed me like zombies to my destination. I walked straight to my room and locked them outside, they left after a while.

They thought that's all I was going to do, they were wrong. I wore my favorite clothes and walked straight to where an old well was located at, at the back of our house.


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