The Epitome Of Hopeless Fantacies

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"Love cannot be forced, love cannot be coaxed and teased. It comes out of heaven, unasked and unsought".



Today is one of my lazy days, and I intend to spend the whole day in bed. I look like a zombie, and I feel like one too. And most of the time I have no idea what I was thinking, I thought a lot though.

"Zulai, Binta is here to see you" my mother called out. I jumped out of bed and ran towards the entrance, I gave binta a long, warm bear hug as soon as I saw her.

Binta is one of my best friends. She is pretty in an odd sort of way, even though she is a weirdo. She is not perfect, but she is way better than most of our mates for her heart is pure. She is beautiful inside and out.

I befriended her because I know she'll be a good influence on me. She is a brave young lady who is confident. She walks with her head held up high, and her bosom attacking innocent eyes.

She is proud of her life experiences and she has embraced them rather than being ashamed of it Or having self pity. She let her experiences define her.

Binta is indeed wise, for She is not afraid of being herself. I can't think of a better representation of beauty than someone who is unafraid to be herself.

Each side of her appearance and each trait of her character are beautiful, She is always nice to me like she is to everyone else. She just doesn't pretend to be nice, she is actually genuinely really nice, inside and out.

Sadly, All she knows and all she has ever experienced is a huge number of loses. She is a walking example of a brave heart.

Binta lost her parents when she was a little child. since then, she has been passed from one town to another, from one uncle to another, from one aunt to another, from one relative to another until there is no one else willing to take her in. This is because they believe that binta is cursed, and it has to do with the fact that each and every aunt and uncle she has ever stayed with dies after taking her in.

At last a distant uncle of hers took her, because he was already sick and he knew that his time was near. His wife's vision is slowly deteriorating due to a certain kind of ailment, so he wants binta to be her guide when he is gone.

He wanted someone to take care of his dear wife when he is no more because they have never had a child of their own and he is the one with the problem.

His wife sacrificed her ability to bear children for him. She promised to stay with him as long as he lives, children or no children for her love for him was not conditional. He remained faithful to her and she remained loyal to him. They are quite a pair. Their love story is one of my best.

Most parents don't like binta being around their children, they are scared they might end up losing their children when she starts liking them. They see binta as a death curse, That is why she finds it hard to make friends in this small town.

Binta is here to break the terrible news of her uncle's demise to me, whom she has grown fond of and whom I have come to love. I really felt for her, this is the saddest news I have received in a very long time. We are sure as hell going to miss him like crazy.

Binta now takes care of her self and her foster mother whom is completely blind now, most people think the old woman's days are numbered.

Soaked in my tears, I made a promise to binta. A very sincere and hard one to keep, because as time passes by, people forget. But I meant every word I said, the old man deserves it. he was a good man, we will honor his memory. "He would forever be in my heart and in my prayers" that's the promise I made to binta.

I am already really sad, but binta didn't stop there. She also told me about her heartbreaking experience with her beloved, her first breakup with her first love.

Binta met her first love, her one true love a year ago. She loved him with all her heart, I guess her love was not enough for him, it never was and never will be. He broke her heart in the worst possible way. He dropped the death curse bomb on her and he ended things. He was afraid he would lose his dear life if he stays with "Binta, the cursed". She knew he could betray her, but her love for him was stronger than reason.

A new guy is showing interest in her, but she never gave him a chance. She promised herself never to fall in love again for all that she loves, she loses. Binta gave up on Love a long time ago, She believes that all the good things in her life fall apart. She has turned a blind eye to whatever good he does to her or whatever good he's got to offer.

She believes that falling in love is like giving some stranger the power to hurt you more than you can ever imagine.

When she was done narrating her sad stories to me, she demanded an update on all that's been going on in my life since the last time we met, up to date. "I want details" she commanded.

I have to confess that I have been waiting for this moment, it's finally my turn to tell my tales. I couldn't resist the urge to spill it all out, I told her everything. From Alhaji Tankos betrayal, to tanimus.

We fell silent for a little while when we finished narrating our stories to each other. We were together, but we were all alone. Alone in our thoughts, alone in our skin, alone in the immensity of the world inside of us. But Together In Our loneliness, we showed our tears and our flaws to each other without fear.

She understood my pain and I understood hers. She knows exactly what I went through. But I'm glad I went through it for it made me stronger and more confident than I have ever been.

Finally, I told her about my new boyfriend who I am suppose to meet later during the day. Though, I don't expect anything positive to come out of it. She helped me get ready before she left and promised to come back afterwards to hear the outcome of the meeting.

Thanks for reading 😘
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