The Conquest of Love

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"True love is eternal, infinite, and always like itself. It is equal and pure, it is seen with white hairs and is always young in the heart."



A knock on the door woke me up from my peaceful sleep. I dragged my sleepy feet across the room and opened the door. The evil witch is still around, I thought as I headed back to bed. Aunt Rakiya snorted behind me, I guess I was living up to her zombie imagination.

She glanced at me with judgement and amusement. She was so happy, It looked like her morning was an interesting story.

"Get ready my dear and meet us in the sitting room for breakfast, we have a lot to discuss. by the way these sweets are delicious" Aunt Rakiya said as she exited my room. She was busy chewing the sweets Alhaji Tanko had brought yesterday, I didn't get to taste any of it. The witch has finished it.

I didn't feel like going anywhere or discussing anything with her, much less seeing her ugly face. I just wish to Stay cooped up behind the walls of my room.

Yesterday was like some horrible nightmare that turned into a reality. No matter how strong my willingness to ignore what has happened is, I just couldn't resist. My heart bled for Alhaji Tanko, he doesn't deserve such treatment.

Aunt Rakiya snatched me away from the man that I love and dragged me to my mothers room like some wild animal without it's leash. She scolded me like I have done something despicable, an abomination as she refers to it.

You would not disgrace this family, you would not bring shame and dishonor to us. Zulai, why have you decided to avoid maturity and keep being this stubborn, childish, rebel? Aunt Rakiya asked.

I didn't reply, I just kept weeping while I rubbed my sore arm where she had grabbed me earlier.

You're not marrying that wretched dwarf. Do you hear me? She asked again raising her voice, with her pitch black eyes igniting with rage. She was overwhelmed by disgust and anger, her voice sharp like a blade.

I furrowed my eyebrows ready to protest, but her frigid gaze made me change my mind.

Rakiya calm down, let her sleep on it. we'll talk about it more in the morning over breakfast. She's still young, and she thinks she is following her heart. take it easy on her, mother said.

I pulled myself out of my depressing thoughts and washed my face. With a sulking face and puffy eyes, I made my way to the sitting room.

"Have a seat my dear, I'm sorry i lost my temper like that yesterday, I might have hurt your feelings, but it wasn't my intention. You know that I love you and I want what's best for you. All the things that we are doing, we are doing it for you, for your own good, for a brighter future for you. All we need is your cooperation, I hope you understand" Aunt Rakiya said.

"We have decided that you're not marrying that Alien, I have found a better husband for you, a perfect match for you. Someone you'll be proud to call yours.

He would take care of you and give you a brighter future. A very wealthy and powerful man he is. He is of royal origin. He is a very popular man with titles and properties all over the country. He comes from a well known family. That man is none other than the famous Danlami".

I wish she hadn't said that, it only increased the already existing tension.

What's wrong with Tanko? I am proud to call him mine. Tanko is the one that I Love, I see a future with him, a bright one. He is the only man for me, he has filled the void in my soul. I'd rather die than marry any other person. God forbid, I shot back.

The conversation has reached the top level of awkward and bizarre. We suddenly sat in awkward silence with our eyes on our plates. Aunt Rakiya chewed her food with explicit anger, but she didn't give up. She continued, think about it, open your eyes. Hear me loud and clear, You will never marry that monster.

When I heard that, I stood up quickly. I did it with such a brusque energy that my veil fell on the floor. Before I could even finish processing her words, i turned around and hastened away. I ran out of the house and went straight to my favorite spot under the mango tree.

Fresh Air was the secret recipe for curing all the sentimental crap. With teary eyes, I released a long sigh I didn't even know I was holding and sat down on the wooden bench under the mango tree.

So many thoughts kept popping into my head as I enjoyed the fresh breeze, but one finally got stuck in it. It's about Tanimu, my mystery guy. I wonder where he has disappeared to and how he is doing. I missed Tanimu, But i eventually let go of the thoughts of him because it's like holding on to a memory that doesn't even exist. Tanimu wasn't real to me anymore.

There comes a time in your life when you have to choose to turn the page, write another book or simply close it. I chose to turn the page because I realized that the things in front of me are more real and precious than the ones that are actually just in my memories

I sat there quietly for a while, then I decided to take a walk and clear my mind. After wandering around like a confused sausage, I decided to go back home.

On reaching home, I found Aunt Rakiya making a huge scene. she was shedding crocodile tears saying that I have disrespected her and disgraced our family, it has come to her ears that I was with Alhaji Tanko all that while. She scolded me again for bolting out the way I did. Aunt Rakiya is furious, I know I am going to be punished.

From that day, I was never allowed to go out of the house alone. They never let me see Alhaji Tanko, He comes to the house everyday but they never let him in. Aunt Rakiya always drives him away.

One day, when my friend Jummai came to visit me, I devised a plan. I begged jummai to set up a meeting for me and Alhaji Tanko at her house since her parents are out of town. I intend to put an end to this torture, I wonder what Alhaji Tanko is going through.

Later that evening, I told my mother that I wanted to accompany jummai to the market, so she let me go. Aunt Rakiya has gone out to run some errands. We went straight to jummais house. Behold! the love of my life Tanko. When I glanced at him and saw his lopsided smile, my breath caught in my throat. My heart started doing a somersault.

I quickly ran to him and said, we need to talk, we don't have much time. I know Aunt Rakiya would send someone looking for me soon. Let's run away, let's elope. It's the only way we could be together, I promise you. Let's meet here tomorrow, same time.

He stared at me in bewilderment, His face morphed into happiness. He agreed, and it was all set. We talked for a little while and said our goodbyes. We both went home happy and excited.

Alhaji Tanko

I haven't seen zulai ever since we got engaged, the evil witch wouldn't allow it. She is hurting my feelings, I could barely even sleep. Whatever the case may be, the witch is not the one to decide who zulai marries.

I haven't told my father about what the evil witch had done to me because he has been busy making arrangements for the wedding and I don't want him to get angry. I know my father too well, he could be really dangerous when he gets mad. I don't want him to do something we would both regret later on. All I want is to be happily married to zulai, I won't let anything ruin my chances with her.

I can't wait to elope with zulai, I felt my insides tingle when I thought about our meeting yesterday. I came to a thought that she would be a perfect wife for me. my heart started pounding at a hundred miles per hour, I thought my chest would burst open at any moment. I just couldn't wait to be with zulai.

I have to tell my father about our plans, I have to say goodbye to him before I leave. I went straight to his room and told him about our plans, a loud laugh suddenly escaped his lips. He thought it was a brilliant idea, he gave me his blessings.

Just when I was about to exit his room, he stopped me. He took slow strides in the room with his lips curled up with a sly smile. I was scared out of my wits because I know that when he makes that face, it means he has come up with an evil, brilliant plan which might actually work.

Things are getting heated up 😉
aren't they?😜
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