The Betrothal

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"You'll never find true love if you look for beauty, expensive clothes or fancy things. Look for a person who sings a song, which can be heard only by you"



Today marks the beginning of a new life, a new journey. Today is the beginning of our forever, Alhaji Tanko and I have been engaged. I am sure I made the right choice because I know He would not let me down, he would take good care of me.

He will be a dedicated, loving, faithful, and caring husband. He would fulfill all my basic human needs Abundantly, because he can afford all that which money can buy.

I have come to understand that Alhaji Tanko is a very nice person, I enjoy his company. He is a very good listener and a very supportive boyfriend. He's got the heart of gold.

Though, At some point in the relationship, I got a little worried because I call the shots. Everything is done my way. Alhaji Tanko lives by my rules, he practically worships me.

He always does what I want, when I want it, where I want it and how I want it. If I complain, he always tells me not to worry. It's not a big deal, "we are all shaped and fashioned by those we love".

I am sure that if I marry Tanko, he will be my boring little poppet dancing to my tunes. but I didn't let it bother me. I don't care because I get what I want either ways.

Alhaji Tanko has thought me that "True love is not how you forgive, but how you forget, not what you see but what you feel, not how you listen but how you understand, and not how you let go but how you hold on."

A knock on the door brought me out of my trance, My father came to inform me of Alhaji Tankos arrival. I rushed out in a hurry to see the man that I love dearly. As I stepped out, I found the whole family at the door with grim faces, looking at me With pity, as if something horrible is about to happen to me. Sad smiles graced their faces, It was as if they couldn't fathom why a girl like me would agree to marry someone like Tanko.

This was suppose to be an exciting evening, not a delirium. It seems like I am the only one celebrating the event apart from my father and Tanko my Love.

My mother has invited a few close relatives to grace the event, including Aunt Rakiya which I thought was a very bad idea. Thank god she's not here yet, I'm not ready for her drama.

Everybody knows Aunt Rakiya is a drama queen, she always tries to make a big deal out of nothing. Nothing is ever good enough for her. She is a Judgemental black shank craving for drama and gossip. Her obsession for money, power and fame is just so disgusting.

The most annoying thing is that she thinks she is the most perfect human being on planet earth, she always advice us to follow her foot steps if we want to prosper in life.

Aunt Rakiya has never had a child of her own because she is barren, yet she is a proud mother of four children. she raised her husbands children which he snatched away from his ex wives because Aunt Rakiya wanted children.

Her filthy rich elderly husband had three wives before he married her. but he eventually divorced them all because he thought they were a nuisance, causing too much trouble and disturbing the peace of aunt Rakiya. His first wife had two children with him, and he had one each from the other two wives.

Aunt Rakiya raised the children as her own, she never allowed them to see their mothers again, speaking of them is forbidden in the house. the last two have no idea what their real mothers looked like because they were snatched away at a very young age while they were still breast feeding. Aunt Rakiya is the only mother they know, and they believe that she is the one that gave birth to them. No one has got the guts to tell them the truth, not even their siblings, because if you did, you'll face the wrath of Aunt Rakiya.


Alhaji Tanko

Today is the day of our engagement, I have waited my whole life for this day.

My father burst the door to my room open "are you ready for the big day?" Yes I answered. "Then up on your feet, let's get this over with" he replied.

He handed me some delicious looking sweets and said "Make sure you spend the rest of the day with your lovely bride while enjoying these sweets. Follow my instructions and Zulai is all yours my son, I promise you that".

Sometimes my dads confidence and way of doing things scare me. but on the other hand, it gives me courage and makes me feel like I am good enough for zulai, that I deserve to spend the rest of my life with her, and I am worthy of her love and affection.

Zulai has finally accepted me, I never thought she would. Indeed, The course of true love never did run smooth, but True love is inexhaustible. The more you give, the more you have. And if you go to draw at the true fountainhead, the more water you draw, the more abundant is it's flow.

Surely, True love bears all, endures all and triumphs, I thought as we exited our house and set out for zulais house.

On reaching there, I stood outside just by the corner and waited for my father and two of my uncles, each from either side of the family to seal the deal.

I went inside the house afterwards, greeted her parents and thanked them for all the support. Her mother gave me a dry look while she answered, her tone was bored and sarcastic. It was as if she preferred otherwise. I quickly moved my gaze to the side before she noticed the hurt expression on my face.

Her father answered warmly with a wide smile on his face. He congratulated me and said he'll let zulai know that I'm here as he made his way out of the room with his wife trailing behind him, shooting me murderous looks.

Few minutes later, the love of my life came to me. She sat next to me without taking her eyes off mine. She stared at me and I found myself spellbound under her intense gaze. I couldn't help but wonder how such lovely eyes could belong to a person, I find the pair of two brown orbs my favorite. The place gave us a vibe of peace and calm with so much love in the air.

Suddenly, A woman barged in, fuming like a raging beast. As soon as she saw me, She put both her hands on her chest shaking her head as if she was having a heart attack. She stumbled backwards, lost her balance and fell flat on the floor. She quickly got up chanting some words and clasping her hands as she struggled to regain her composure.

She looked at us with disgust and she pulled zulai away from me. She grabbed her arm and dragged her towards her, digging her nails in her arm and making her hiss in pain. Zulais hands started shaking violently but the woman's grip was making it impossible for her to move. "Are you out of your mind, how can you even consider marrying this worthless mini gorilla? Over my dead body" she said to zulai.

She started fuming like a bull ready to attack. "Get out of this house before you regret ever setting foot in it" she said. I could feel her glare drilling a hole in the middle of my head. I was used to the disappointment filled glances but this glare felt dangerous, promising to inflict unimaginable amount of pain to me.

I looked at zulai, only to find out she is in so much pain. Her cheeks were flaming and soaked in tears. I couldn't bear the sight of her in this situation, I picked up my shoes and left immediately.

Her words were flames and waves of acid crashing against a door that was already so thin and vulnerable.

I literally felt the shatter of my heart and felt the pieces dropping into the pit of my stomach. Her words knocked the breath out of the lungs.

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