Chapter 85: Pet shop (Part 2)

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The friendly assistant asks, his tone is neither ridiculing them for being first-timers nor snide for being more knowledgeable than them, "Would you like to see the adults, infants or eggs?"

"What are the differences?" Kairos who have been affected by his friendliness felt at ease to ask more questions.

"Well, the adults are much stronger and immediately ready for combat, but they are all captured recently and are very wild and unruly. You will need a lot more effort to tame them.

Besides this, the adults are all wild beasts that grew up in the savage areas near Saint Empire. Although the spiritual power of our land is rather strong, they still have less future potential compared to the infants that can be raised with spiritual herbs and strengthening pills."

It is general knowledge that beasts which are raised by hand since young, are extremely loyal, and therefore only the wild adult beasts can be purchased in shops. Those that were brought up by someone will rather die than to be parted from their owners.

"The infant beasts are generally very endearing and will stick close to anyone who treats them well. As their attributes can be easily judged at this stage and they have typically better potential than the adults, their prices are also the most expensive.

The eggs of the beasts are much cheaper than the first two options in comparison since we cannot really determine its latent talents. For some of the eggs, we do not even know what species it is from, and we can only leave them all together in a heap at the back of our store."

"In that case, let's see the infants first," they decided in unison.

The group started at the demonic beasts section. They reached the place where all the beasts are kept and looked at their fearsome and powerful appearance through the looking glass.

In this place, they saw Demon Bats, Night Wraith, Greater Moon Moth, and even a Lava Fiend.

Even among the infant demonic beasts, there are those which looked grotesque as well as some that look majestic, but most of the ones that the boys thought is impressive have been turned down by Kairos.

"Not this one either, Aisa?"

Nooooope! They won't be able to play with Aisa!

After half an hour, they have already browsed through all the infant demonic beasts. The adult ones that have been suggested by the assistant were immediately turned down by Kairos.

Considering their limited potential, those can only become short-term bodyguards because their fully grown forms have already set their foundations down like cast-iron. Kairos and the group have no wish to purchase a pet just to cast it away in the future.

Besides that, Aisa could clearly sense the bloodlines of the adult beasts in this section from their powerful auras and told Kairos that they could not become her 'playmates'.

In contrast, the auras from the infants are much harder to detect, and it requires the boys to go close to each one before making a better decision. Having both the demonic beast adults and infants rejected by Aisa, they are left with only one option.

"Well, let's go see the eggs then," Kairos said as the hope of finding a good contract beast diminishes.

As they walked across the room towards the demonic egg's hatchery, a small demon kitten walked out barring their path. Its fur is as white as snow, and a tiny black gem rests upon its forehead.

"That's odd... I had never seen this infant demonic beast before," the assistant looked stumped when it appeared.

The beasts are placed securely in each room that customers can only view them from across the crystal panels. Even the adult beasts are unable to free themselves from their holds, but this small infant demonic beast came right in front of them and nonchalantly sat down and started licking its paws.

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