Chapter 84: Pet shop (Part 1)

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Time passed quickly, and Kairos had used the three days properly to arrange the setup of a smithy, a pharmacy, and a restaurant in his shop.

Fortunately, he had chosen a shop outlet that is rather big for a medium-sized building and could easily fit multiple facilities.

The building itself is separated into different floors, at the first floor, patrons can have their lunch in a beautiful environment while they look through not only the food menu but also check out the stocklist for the different pills that Helena created or the weapons that Siegfried crafted.

Any items they purchase will be brought to their table by the people that Xuan Xian had assigned to properly run the shop.

Should the customers wish to peruse the selections themselves, they can climb up the spiral stairs and visit the second floor to see Helena's pharmacy or the third floor to see Siegfried's armoury.

Besides Laksa's restaurant on the first floor, Xuan Xian had also opened a counter on the same level.

When the customers are done with their meal or their perusal, they may make payments at her counter. This allows one person to do the daily accounts of the shop and send it to Kairos every month, freeing him from the need to micro-manage his business.

With this arrangement, finally, the families have a means of supporting themselves.

Of the profits to be made daily, Kairos has arranged for it to split up fairly between all that have participated, depending on effort. A sum from the profit will be set aside each month as a rental fee which they pay to him.

In this regard, he had no heart to rip them off and only wanted a minimum amount that is enough for the Snowdrifts. However, hearing his words, Siegfried made a huge fuss, claiming that each person should earn whatever they deserved, and the others readily agreed to cut out a huge fifty percent from the profit to pay Kairos.

Even though the old blacksmith has explained that most shop rentals take up over seventy percent of the craftsman's profits, Kairos vehemently refused such an amount from the families of his old subordinates. The profit which he actually wants to make is from selling weapons refined from Uncle Siegfried's weapons.

Within the three days that he worked on the preparation of the shop, he has also refined the first batch of weapons from Siegfried's crafts.

This batch is all infused with either the fire dragon or the frost dragon Ki. However this time he gave the sentient beings very strict instructions.

It would be dangerous if the dragonlings once again ate other metal and reconstructed its vessel.

After making sure that the business can run on itself, and handing Xuan Xian the accounts and logistics management, Kairos finally left the venue to meet his brothers.

The six had arranged to meet up at his room.

Before going to the market street, the lot of them sat in a wide circle around him as Kairos made the shopping list. He pulled out the current items that they have for tabulation, grouping them into three sets:

The bounties leftover from the exam.

The bribes from Principal Gai

And, the items purchased during the trade fair.

The bounties they had left were pathetic in number after they had either used the loot for cultivation or given out most of it to the other Snowdrifts members and for the eleven families.

The bribes from Principal Gai is much better in value. Besides the medical pills, herbs and thousand-year ores given to Siegfried and group, there are still many spirit stones, demon cores and crystallised essences left over.

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