Chapter 50: Soul resonance

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"FIRE AT WILL!" A tremendous roar came from Kairos who in his own hands held a bow which he used expertly. Trained by Edward, he has become rather adept at using the weapon.

A rain of arrows fired from behind each barricade flew unhindered into the midst of the Orcs, though the shields had blocked most of them.

The barriers are placed in a way that allows projectiles to fly freely without fear of friendly fire.

But the Orc army fearlessly ran through the arrows to crush the steel bars. Each of their attacks dented the thin metal a little. In the students' struggle for survival, their only hope is to delay their enemy's advancement with what little they have, until reinforcements could arrive. Of course, whether any cavalries are coming is in the air, but they had not given up hope.

Fortunately, the rooms are designed to accommodate only a small number of students, and thus greatly hindered the Orc army.

Another day passed in fierce combat, and finally, at daybreak, the Orcs destroyed the middle barricade despite being under the assault of countless arrows.

They poured into the hole they made, rushing towards the group of students, but three fighters stood in their way at the very front. These three heroic figures are Tommy and two pig-heads.

Although, if one looks closely, they will make out that those two next to him are human; Alan and Jim, with badly swelling faces.

After Tommy had awakened, he saw the unflattering portrait and the three flares arranged in a way like joss sticks would. Without needing to confirm with anyone, he smacked the two, changing their species from mankind to pig-mans.

Now, two new portraits drawn by Edward joined the first. Paintings of the swelling faces of those two idiots, Jim and Alan, and they have been told that should they die in this battle those two pictures will definitely become their commemorative portraits.

The three fought grimly against the Orcs, as no one wishes to fall in battle. For a number of reasons.

One may wonder that only a day has simply passed, yet why did Tommy stand once again at the front to hold back the Orcs?

After all, life force is a type of energy that recovers much slower than Ki. After sleeping for an entire day, he only managed to recuperate a little more than half of his life force.

The combat he had gone through earlier had given him invaluable experience, and he could feel he is inching towards the E rank.

It is Tommy's wish to enter a battlefield where only the strong could enter. He did not hesitate to join the battle right when he awoke.

There is a peculiar thing about the weapons that the five of them chose. The two who picked extremely close-ranged weapons, Tommy and Jim, were warmongers that enjoyed extreme contact battles, while the pacifist, Edward, took up a bow. Their sensible leader, Kairos, favoured a weapon effective on the battlefield, his Swallow, which could cut down many like a sickle reaping through wheat. Whereas for the last person in the team who is also their ex-leader, Alan, selected his Tonfas simply because he was tricked by Jim who told him that Tonfas are only used by the coolest grandmasters of combat.

In truth, no grandmaster actually uses Tonfas. In fact, only a minority of people use Tonfas, and none of them had any large accomplishments yet.

It was sort of a boring weapon after all and sorely lacked killing power. Even its disabling ability is rather limited, and being two sticks, it doesn't have the range of a spear nor the guard of a shield.

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