Chapter 41: A prelude of siege

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"How many times can you still use that?"

"About three more times today" Edward replies Kairos softly. Numbers like this are best not to be heard by others.


A terrible roar from their King caused the Orcs to retreat immediately, bringing back the bodies of their fallen friends with them.

Just by its roar alone the grass nearby flattened from the wind pressure. The ones standing on the ramparts stiffened. They could recognise this sound, the very same which shook the heavens a few days ago and caused so many them sustain internal injuries.

"Anyone hurt?" Tommy asked. The rest of the guys near them looked at him dumbfounded, couldn't he feel it without asking?

"It held back this time, but only because its fellow brethren are too close," Kairos replied, knowing that Tommy asked because the Origin Energy users they are not as affected by it as much.

"Snowdrifts, Northern star array!

Everyone else ready your bows!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Haha... a wonderful idea!" those who guessed what Kairos meant laughed delightedly and quickly took their positions.

It was Edward who stood at the pinnacle point of the array this time, while Kairos took his place at the heart of the Northern star formation.

As they did before, everyone started their cultivation sequence, and with each rotation they absorbed energy from their surroundings, refining it, and sending it to Edward.

The Orcs charged once again, but as they came closer, they realised it was a group of D ranking Orcs this time, from the aura they are unleashing.

"That many Orc captains?"

"That's impossible! There haven't been that many high-level Orcs for a hundred years"'

"No not just Orc captains! There are at least five Orc war chiefs in the mix. My god!"

The members of Snowdrifts tensed up. Their recent memories of the powerful War Chief had yet faded, and they stared grimly as the Orcs with their powerful muscles bunching with each step they took marching towards them.

"Ready... Fire!"

"Again. Fire!"


The archers fired with every command from Alan, and the arrows rained down on the Orcs trying to swim across the waters, but this time, their attacks did little against the magic barrier of the beasts.

However, they were not hoping to defeat the Orc Captains, but to stall time.


Waiting for Edward to be ready, they held their breaths as the enemy reached the walls and began striking it with terrible might. The platforms they were on shook with every club hitting the reinforced timbers, and their arrows bounced off the beasts. The enemies are very close now, and they could see in details the inhuman rage on the faces of these War Beasts. No doubt, once their fortification is broken, all of them will die.

Suddenly, with a shortened version of incantation, three arrows surrounded by spiralling light, flew out from where Edward is and struck into the heart of the charging Orcs. They tore through their ranks without meeting much resistance. Even Orc captains found themselves helpless against his Secret Art.

The shoddy copper armours and uncured hide clothing proved useless to protect them; their heavy wooden shields shattered into pieces from meeting his arrow and their prided magic which protects them disappeared like the morning dew in the afternoon's sun.

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