B2, Chapter 14: A present for the Devilhearts

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Xuan Xian looked at the grim expressions of the two in front of her, and she suppressed a shudder coming down her spine.

Not Ling'er too. First Zhu De, and now Ling'er... Mommy cannot live without both of you

With hesitating words, she asked, "Is..."

She took a deep breath as if reassuring herself, and then she continued.

"Is my little girl going to be alright?"

The two who are hovering around Ling'er turned around and looked at her full in the eyes. When Kairos saw her pale complexion, he remembered what happened, just a while ago, when he brought her the news of Zhu De's death.

At that time, Xuan Xian only managed to pick herself up because of Ling'er, and because her little boy would have wanted her to live. To lose a child a second time, would be too cruel.

"Madam, the situation is just as young master thought. I have confirmed that your little girl was tranquilised during her kidnapping. There are traces of anaesthesia in her body, and unfortunately, she is born extremely susceptible to it.

Her unique constitute caused her body to lose the ability to regulate temperature and ought to have killed her already. But fortunately, or perhaps, unfortunately, fate took a strange twist, and it seemed as though the chilly early spring chill has seeped permanently into her and she went into shock instead.

However, for now, her condition should not worsen, and we have all the time to remove the drugs from her body."

When Xuan Xian heard that, she breathed a sigh of relief. "After the remaining anaesthesia is removed, then everything will be alright?"

Kairos shook his head slightly, his concerns still on his face.

"There is more than just this.

We will require several rare herbs to completely drain it out of her. A...and...

It seemed to me that her spirit has been broken by the fright, and she has hidden deep within her mind."

It was a bad bodily response to being drugged, complicated with both the mental abuse and physical hurt from being thrown into the cold weather.

Although Kairos spoke gently, the world seems to spin for Xuan Xian, and the mother had to hold on to the wall to keep herself from falling down.

Helena who was a mother herself understood. She wept with her in an embrace.

Kairos who is looking on, saw how the two ladies are tightly holding the little girl between their arms, and he seethes with anger.

The body may mend soon enough with the right treatment, but to recover the mind will be tricky. And, the frost that seeped in is permanent indeed.

Through gritted teeth, Kairos declared, "Madams, I can tell that Ling'er's condition has stabilised. And for her trauma, we will find a way to treat it for sure.

Please excuse me. There is someone I must meet. I will make the Devilheart family pay dearly for this transgression. "

The boy turned and promptly left the room.

Upon his young shoulders bear an incredible weight, perhaps more than most adults in Saint Empire. For him and his friends to survive in Saint Empire, and to take responsibilities for people lives, Kairos had been forced to mature rapidly within a short amount of time.

In this area, he had learned one important life lesson.

The value of one's life lies not just in any single person, but the collective sum of everyone who knows you, who cares for you, and.... whose spirit dies along with you.

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