Chapter 28: Brothers

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After the conversation, Kairos quickly asked about Alan's condition.

Although Kairos has fallen unconscious on his way back to George camp, he has woken up with no ill effects. His side has now been bandaged, and with the medical pills made from low-grade spiritual herbs, he is expected to fully recover by a few days. Likewise, Edward whose arm was crushed now has it in a sling, but he should be able to move it by tomorrow.

Now only Alan remained unconscious.

"The medics said that even his survivability is not yet a confirmed thing."

Kairos drew a deep breath hearing his friend's condition. The damage that Alan had received was much more than they had expected.

Because everyone was too eager to help, the group were chased away from the medic's tent and told to stay outside while the medics treated him.

But, Kairos ordered them to rest because they are still in danger of the Orcs and might need to fight anytime.

Since many of them are injured, and some that might require urgent attention, their tent is placed conveniently beside the medics' tent. If there is any news on Alan, they will hear it immediately.

The group reluctantly left, and after a while, the healers finally came out from their treatment.

"How is he?"

The chief healer, a young boy they had never seen before, shook his head, "We did all we could. For now, he will be in no danger but when he wakes up is hard to say, and... because his wounds were substantial, his cultivation might even regress. It would be better if you bring him to the Academy's healers, but in that case, he will be forfeited from this examination."

"Thank you," Kairos replied solemnly. To either lose his cultivation or forfeit for the test would devastate Alan. Torn between their choices, the four of them brought their friend back to the tent.

As a generous arrangement from George, each individual of Snowdrifts had been allowed a small compartment, and additionally, they are given one larger compartment that they may also use to hold team strategy meetings. It is in the meeting room that they placed him down.

"Is Alan okay?"

It has already been a day and a half since he went into a coma. This entire time, no one knew if he will be able to make it and the tension had been high.

"He is in no danger now for sure. I believe he will be awake soon."

"Didn't the medics say that they are too inexperienced and does not know if he will have any permanent problems after this?"

"As long as he is alive we can do something."


"Yeah! How could living as a cripple be okay?"

"Everyone, calm down!" Kairos chided when he saw the conversation getting heated up.

"Alan will be fine, he was always a tough one," Tommy joins in as well

"The five of us have been through worse. He will wake up and smile as usual." Edward says

"His smile is really charming, I just wish he would direct it at me a little more," one of the girls in the group suddenly says.

"What? He smiles at me only, when did he ever smile at you?" A beautiful girl with blonde hair farrowed her eyebrows and stared daggers at the other girl.

"Suddenly I'm not so concerned about Alan's recovery anymore," Jim said, but before his voice faded, a resounding noise reached everyone's ears.


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