Chapter 53: War under the canopy

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A day soon passed. The Heavenly scent pill that was quickly absorbed into their system is indeed a miraculous pill. Each student felt their Ki circulation improve immensely, and could more easily take in and refine the Heavenly Energies.

Even Jones who was at death's door has somehow managed to recover to nearly forty percent and is once again rearing to go.

Granted, this recovery speed is simply unthinkable even with the five Origin Energy users sending him their life force unreservedly. However, if they knew just how gifted Jones is, they wouldn't be that surprised anymore.

The group went through the hill having collected all the crystallise essences from the bodies of the Orcs that were left. Most of the corpses had already been retrieved by the Orc armies, but there are still plenty around because of their hasty retreat.

The bright rays of sunlight momentarily blinded them as the stepped out of the tunnel. The eleven days of combat under crystallised light had rendered them vulnerable to the actual sun.

It took them an additional moment for their vision to readjust, and then they finally saw how tattered their timber-made camp has become.

The Orcs really did a number to their previous fortifications after they hid in the safety of East Hill. All of the ramparts were crushed, and every archer tower was broken. The crow's nest rests uselessly on the ground, and the entire foundation of the camp has become completely ruined and beyond repair. Even the water moat have been crudely filled up with soil.

This is of course so that the students could no longer use this place as a defensive position. What they saw is proved that these beasts are smarter than they had all believed. A regular human army would've taken over the garrison, and probably fortified it further, but the War Beasts know they have the advantage on an open field with their physique, and hence did not even try to occupy what the students had built.

"Let's hurry. Luciette might need our help...," Kairos says with a thin smile. At the back of his mind, he suddenly realised that this might be their chance at victory.

Though it might be a sly thought, anyone that came from a background of poverty will know how much persistence one needs to make up for the disadvantage they had from birth. To even survive day-to-day requires a vested interest. Granted, most would have plenty of reasons to stay alive.

With their camp destroyed and hill base's barriers and contraptions completely broken, this might be their only chance.

He shook his head in self-mockery. The other party is risking life and limb coming to their aid. Even should the opportunity arise, would he really be able to take it, or should he?

They did a fast march towards the West in the general direction where Luciette's men should be. If they were not mistaken, the Orcs must have detected the Blue team heading towards their rear and have decisively pulled their forces out from East Hill to engage them.

They did not need to wait long before seeing signs of battle. The students and the Orcs already engaged in combat, although both sides appeared to be testing out the other.

Although the Orcs significantly outnumbers the students with over 500 warriors, they could not risk fighting on two fronts. When they noticed Luciette's group flanking them at their rear, they already have intentions to withdraw.

It would become a disastrous situation if their army were trapped by the small corridors within the hill, where only a few could fight at any time.

If that happens, their superior physiques and number will only work against them, and their armies will eventually be starved to death.

Of course, Kairos also knew of such risks when he brought his men into the hill, but there is a difference between humans and Orcs. He was expecting help from the academy or the other team, and the tight quarters only served in their favour.

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