Chapter 44: True Holy Dragon

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Kairos held his weapon lightly in his hands, his body relaxed but filled with energy. His eyes turn serious as he glared piercingly at the Orcs before him, looking for a way through. However, he quickly comes to realise that all his routes are blocked, even the new ones he created has been filled up with new enemies. It is as though they could read his path and move ahead of him.

The worse thing is, they are all too strong for him to breakthrough.

As he was panicking from landing himself in this mess, a fleeting cry from something non-human suddenly resonated to his soul.

"What was that?!"

Soon after that unidentified sound, a bright glow started shining somewhere from below his eyes pulled his attention, and Kairos together with the Orcs looked downwards in unison.

He saw a spherical rune unlike anything he had seen before at the back of his right hand, and he started studying it out of curiously. But, unlike his calm composure, the Orcs growled in panic, shuffling backwards in fear.

This is the first time he ever saw the Orcs afraid, and it caused him to be alarmed. The runic symbol did not give off any strand of energy, but no doubt it is something of unimaginable power.

Before he could determine its effect, a sudden pain shot through his head, and his mind went blank.

The intricate, yet beautiful runic symbol cracked then shattered, disappearing into the night air.

The Orcs looked back up at Kairos in shock. His eyes are now glowing golden, absolutely divine against the dark forest.

*Do not interfere*

A voice resonated throughout the dark forest. It obviously belongs to Kairos, yet there are no movements on his lips.

It is a light and gentle tone of voice, yet the very magnitude of authority behind it had caused not just the Orcs but every living being nearby to be in deference. At this moment, it was as though the entire world was subdued, that not even the sound of a single cricket nor the whisper of the wind could be heard.

"My apologies my Lord."

A feminine voice replied, and at the same time, all the trees and plants around him seem to bend towards him trembling in awe and fear. It felt as if nature herself apologised, remorseful at planting the unknown rune on Kairos' hand.

As if in acknowledgement, the glow in his eyes flickered and then disappeared, reverting to the black colour his eyes were before.

Kairos saw the Orcs prostrated towards him in submission, and refused to come closer. He looked in stunned confusion, and somehow, felt a tinge upset, disappointed at the easy way out.

He catches himself. He is not a person who longed for battles to have such emotions.

"Isn't it a good thing that they are no longer aggressive?"

He walked back to camp untouched, even when he came closer to the Orcs, they would give way to him. In just a few minutes, he returned, completely stumped.

A ghostly projection of the Orc King, almost undetectable, appeared on a tree nearby watching Kairos as he departed from the forest.


Back in the camp, under the orange glow of the torches hanged on the timber walls, a silence loomed as the others went about their guard duty without knowing what had happened tonight.

Kairos strolled towards the war tent without pause, but Alan intercepted him midway.

"Captain, I was worried."

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