B2, Chapter 18: Cubic Fruit

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Old Ye was anxious, to say the least, when he found out about the World Tree's fruits, "Young lord, I'm certain that you have eaten one. Did you find any seeds?"

"Hmm yes. I've kept it since it came from a treasured fruit."

"What about the other fruits? If you could spare Old Ye with one, I'm guessing that young lord has even more?"

From the old immortal's understanding of this boy, he does not doubt that Kairos is rather generous to his friends. So if there are a limited amount of fruits, it would be unthinkable for him to receive one before them.

"Yes, although only some of the fruits have a seed, I have been given them all."

"Good, good. It is normal that the treasured tree's seeds are rare, and they can turn into powerful artefacts when forged with the proper techniques. And the fruit's flesh itself can be turned into pills, but the method to make those things has been lost. Just remember, no matter if there is a seed within, you mustn't take the risk of letting it touch the ground.

When you ate the fruit, did you feel anything different?"

"I've risen from Mid to Peak D rank and have all my meridian channels enhanced" he replied honestly.

"Huh... Mid? Peak?

Boy, what is this grading you are talking about, I am unfamiliar with it."

Boy? Old Ye is calling Kairos so rudely! Hmph!

"HIIIIIHHH, Sorry!! Young lord, spare this old one."

"Haha, Aisa, don't tease him anymore. His information is helpful. Elder, if you are uncertain of ranks, then how does the immortal world measure cultivation?"

"Hmm... All cultivation classification in the three realms are set in nine stages, only by breaking past the ninth stage could one transcend their realm and enter the next. In the heavenly language, the number ten means complete and perfect, such is the rule.

Young lord, why don't you tell me the ranks your empire is using, and let this old one be enlightened?"

Kairos thought for a moment and explained in a mystified tone, "Come to think of it, Saint Empire splits the ranks into nine as well. From Triple S down to F rank. Each rank is further split into three grades, Entry, Mid and Peak. We do have lower ranks than that from G to J, but those are later additions, and there isn't much difference between them. Also, it is rumoured that those that could go beyond Triple S would be able to enter the immortal realms. It seems that the number of ranks matches up, even the transcending part, but what of the grades?"

"You say three grades? In the immortal and divine realms, each stage of cultivation is further split into nine minor stages. They are three initiation stages, three apprentice stages and three master stages. Perhaps, these might be the three grades you have spoken about.

There will be very little difference between each minor stages, especially in the mortal realm, so I am not really surprised that your land separated it into Entry, Mid, and Peak. But, later on, you'll discover that every step of progress is a crawl, and every increase in minor stage makes a tremendous difference.

Young lord, after you ate the fruit, is that all that happened?"

"The increase of three minor stages and the change in my energy flow was all that occurred that I've noticed. Is there something wrong with that?"

"An improvement of your meridian channels is as expected from eating the fruit of life. Its flesh will give enhancement to the body, altering the talents that one is born with. But, just an improvement of three minor stages?

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