Chapter 7: Show-Hand

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After noticing only four J rankers are guarding their target, the F ranking ambushers from the blue team charged at them viciously.

"Hah, these whelps think to stop us?"

Pulling out long swords, they pressed their assault to swiftly cut down Kairos' group then move on to the red commander. Once they take out George, the rest of the match would be easy.

Facing them, Kairos stood cross-armed without moving an inch while calmly observing the daring tactics that the hostiles adopted with furrowed brows.

"By bearing our team's red badges, they made use of our unfamiliarity with our members and snuck in. Considering that everyone only received the assignments the day before, this level of preparation is far too incredible.

This is already more than the common tactical pre-emptive ambuscade. Could the opposite's leader be... her?"

Although it felt incredulous, the facts are before their eyes that their opponents had laid a snare for them right after the lady instructor commenced the exercise. The assault was flawless, taking advantage of the exact time when George tried to rally the morale of the red team.

If Kairos had guessed correctly, then this could only mean one thing. 'She' had anticipated she would be facing George and made specific measures against him.

Their attack came swift and forceful, as expected of F rankers. But fearlessly waiting for them at the very front is Tommy, who stood proudly like a tall tower. His figure, larger than the average twelve years old, and his rising fighting spirit exerted immense pressure on those who faced him. For a moment it looked to them as though their path has been blocked by a giant.

Catching an instant of hesitation from his startled foes, Tommy's fist smashed into the face of the first who reached him and pounded the F ranker headfirst into the dark forest soil.

The others seeing this scene, widen their eyes with shock. They checked the badge on his arm once again, as if affirming the rank written on it is still J.

Their teammate was downed so quickly that the rest still couldn't wrap their minds around the situation. With Tommy's strength far beyond what his badge suggest, they suddenly found themselves silently screaming for aid from their archers.

But before they could begin to wonder where their reinforcements are, Edward loosed three arrows their way. So quickly, that all the shots fired were in the air at the same moment.

The arrowheads struck unerringly with dull thuds, eliciting loud screams as the last three turn-coats joined their friend on the floor writhing in pain.

Though blunted by gel coating, the incredible velocity of his shots had enough stoppage force to break bones.

But during this high-tension moment, came a rustling from the tall undergrowth of the forest that caused everyone to turn their heads nervously. Thinking their help has come those that were groaning on the ground secretly breathed a sigh of relief, regardless their pain.

However, it was unexpectedly Alan who strode out from the brushes unhurriedly, dragging two enemy archers tied to a piece of rope behind him.

The short time they used to suppress the turn-coats, was enough for him to find the hidden snipers and catch them unaware. Their concealment, meaningless before his Soul Perception.

Alan's return signalled the end of this skirmish. They removed the badges from their captives for points, with most of the score benefiting Alan and Tommy, who took down the captives. Followed by Kairos' entire group whom they belong to, and finally, the Red Team.

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