Chapter 42: Can we settle this by talking?

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The Snowdrifts began by integrating the others into their Starfire array, teaching them the steps and the way to circulate their Ki. It is a very intricate and complicated formation but encouraged by having their lives on the line the other students quickly picked it up.

As they started to understand just how profound and powerful this array is, gazes of awe and gratitude fall onto Kairos.

They realised the kind of precious treasure this battle formation is. It is simply astonishing that Kairos did not choose to hoard the information, but gave freely to all who needed his help. Thinking about it, it is very likely that the boy has more where it came from, and if the other arrays he used before are of this standard then they really could not underestimate the Snowdrifts.

There's one thing for certain. After this training exercise, no matter what is the score for each student, any person from the Snowdrifts is going to become highly valued.

"Kairos, we will not forget what you did today. If we survive this, you can always count on us from now on," many of the nobles among the group murmured agreements throughout the camp.

Kairos mutely nodded in response. He did not take it to heart, after all, a formation that only he knows of is useless.

He may have given away the Starfire array, but he had plenty in reserve.


That night, a full moon has risen, slowly climbing its way towards the height of the sky. Strong gusts of wind whistled through the woods, a disturbed rustling of leaves that seem to speak of the chaos to come, lingered in the air.

Before long, the Orcs returned from the forest and with them and they carried the largest trees they could find from the woods.

The tallest Lawson Cypress stood nearly seventy meters tall, and tying a few of them together formed an instant bridge.

What these War Beasts are doing is far more advanced than the students expect. Monsters that could only use basic tools like apes had found a way to cross their moat.

"Jim!" Kairos loudly called out.

"Roger!" He took a look at what the Orcs are doing and replied without hesitation.

A black shadow disappeared from the top of the ramparts.

Becoming Mid F rank has improved Jim's abilities by many folds, and from the previous fights, he had learned to significantly increase his power for a short amount of time by expending his life force in a controlled manner.

The Orcs marched to the moat, pulling along the long cypress bridge they have created.



"Everyone, gather your strength for him."

....upon my arrows...

Its....of lightning...

the true name of destruction...

The wind carried away the murmurs of their chants as Jim rushes towards the moat.

A loud thud hit the ground nearby him, as the bridge managed to cross the hundred and fifty meters width of the waters.

The Orcs started running on top of the bridge, ignoring the cypress underneath their feet groaning from their weight.

As the moon climbed further up in the sky, a luminous silhouette of the boy appeared under the moonlight, eerily still in the middle of their bridge.

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