23; He Got Me

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I needed some quick money. Anything would help at this point. I wasn't sure where to even start...

So, I walked the city. I had a mission and I wasn't as fearful as I was once before. What's the worst my father could do? He couldn't kill me, he needed me. He could trap me but there would be a point where he would need to leave me. Ammon could try all he wanted. I knew my abilities and they weren't going to stop me anytime soon. 

I kept thinking. I wasn't sure where I could get money or any means of transportation. 

I knew my standards were dropping. First, I stole from someone I didn't know. I broke into their home and took their things. I wasn't going to stop there. I couldn't. 

I glanced around and saw my opportunity.  

The truck was running, the owners in a convenience store. They were laughing and talking with some of the owners. I put the hoodie of whoever's hoodie this was up and pushed my hair to cover my face. I walked slowly towards the car door, acting as if I would walk right by it. Glancing, I saw that the owners were totally unaware of me. 

Adrenaline pumped through me. 

That and anxiety.

I could feel the seat pouring off my back and hands. I was shaking slightly and I felt my lungs in my throat. 

I seized the opportunity as quickly as I could. I put the truck into drive and slammed onto the gas petal. The city street was run down and no one was on it. I sped onto the main road and kept left, heading for the highway.

I broke a sob out as tears clouded my vision. These people had jobs, lives, and families, and here I was ruining theirs because mine wasn't good. This makes me just as bad as Ammon or my father.

I'm worse. 

I just kept going. I eventually got to the turnpike and kept going. I found a few dollars in the car. It was a mess, honestly. Wrappers and food remnants left allover. A few personal items here and there but it looked like a mess. 

I found out that I was only in New York, a few hours away from D.C. 

I pulled over to a rest stop, trying to relieve myself.  I washed my face with cold water from shaking hands.  I stared into my paling face. 

Something caught me off guard. It was quiet here... A bit too quiet for my liking. 

I stood straight and turned around. A few doors were open and some were closed but no one occupied them. I placed my feet softly on the tiles, hoping whatever was here with me couldn't hear it.

Pain seared through my skin as a loud bang erupted my ears, making it painful to be in the same room. I flipped to see something I wouldn't expect, a human with a smile on his face, gun pointed to my shoulder where I had just gotton shot.

I brought my hand to the wound, feeling the warm, thick liquid filling my hand.

"What the hell!" I screamed out, not breaking eye contact.

He chuckled, handsomely. "Well, I can't believe I just got the slayer. Your mother-in-law is going to be so pissed."

I frowned, "What are you talking about? Who are you?"

He didn't answer but put the gun down on a soap dispenser, washing his hands. "I always hated that mate bullshit. When mine came along, she knew all the things I've done and killed herself. Your mother-in-law was my only chance but she chose that dumb cheating fucker over me."

I swallowed hard, "Look, whatever she did to you, it had nothing to do with me. I know nothing! I've met her once or twice. I don't know you or her story," I tried to reason.

He huffed, "I don't care. That damn mate of yours knows me. When he finds you bloody and dead, he's going to know who did it."

I charged at him, knocking him over, surprised. Hell, I was surprised. I took the gun from the top of the soap dispenser and rushed out. I knew he was on my tail.

I whipped around when I got outside and aimed the gun right in his direction. He stopped dead in his tracks, hands up, and shaking. I was shaking. I couldn't feel at the moment and all I wanted to do was sleep. I was exhausted. 

I was done with this. All of this. Running. Knowing people are dying because of me. I really didn't want to add whoever this was to the list but I would for Mason. I would to keep him safe. Whoever this was knew my mate and things about him. He was dangerous and I'll be damned if I would let him near my mate. 

"Who the hell are you!" I yelled out, not asking.

"My name is Noah."

I swallowed, internally hitting myself for breathing so shaky, "Noah, what do you want?"

He smirked, "You,"

That didn't calm my nerves.

"What do you want with me?"

He chuckled and shook his head, "You're the slayer. Your a wonderful asset as well as insurance. And, you're beautiful. You could use a mate like me,"

"Not happening." I cut him off before he could continue. I think if he did, I would just spontaneously implode right on the spot

I took another shaky breath, "How do you know my mother-in-law?"

He growled, "That bitch broke me. I gave her a room when she had none. I gave her a friend and offered myself and she rejected me for that damn mate of hers. She hated him. I hated him. Sasha was just like you but you're better than she is. You're stronger."

I looked into the gun. I had four bullets in here. I wasn't going to kill him but I had other ideas.

I walked closer to him and walked behind him. He was much taller than I was. He was expecting me to continue walking around him. But instead, I pressed the gun barrel into the back of his neck.

"How did you know where to find me?"

He didn't let out a reaction but his answer, "It was kind of hard. Everyone is looking for you. Ammon Breacher, your father, my pack, and your damn pack. Everyone."

He was a werewolf. All thoughts of killing him immediately threw out the window. It felt wrong. I felt like I was part werewolf and that would be wrong of me to kill one of my own. It would be like killing one of the kids in my pack.  What would his parents say? Would his Luna be upset?

I took the bottom of the gun and slammed it as hard as I could across the back of his head, knocking him down and out, cold. I sighed and walked over to the sleek car he must've showed up in. I aimed the gun at the car I showed up in. I shot the tires with all the bullets I could. I opened the door to Noah's car and sped faster than the truck could even go. 

I clenched my fist around the wheel until my knuckles turned white.  I glanced around the car, this one being a lot cleaner than the truck.  The touchscreen on the dashboard caught my attention. I touched the one that said messages.

I'll find her. Don't you worry.

Noah sent it out to a number I did not  know. I couldn't handle even thinking about it right now. 

I did something else, I knew I shouldn't. I wasn't sure what I was thinking.

I had this new attitude about it. I wanted to be a bad ass. That's what was happening right now. I was trying to prove to myself I could handle this.

I wasn't weak. I could see this and live with my life. I would survive this alone. I would see Mason and Manny and Damon again one day, I would run the pack with my mate. 

I was independent from this moment on. I wouldn't depend on anyone but myself.

That's where I got the courage to type back,

He got me alright. I got him back. Good-luck getting me. Cassadee

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