12; Watcher

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The woman from a different era. I could tell this one was a dream but the pain was just too real. I could feel the pain, fear, and anxiety running through me. I could hear the slaping of the wet dirt beneath the feet of two people, the one heart beating so solidly, and the screams for help.

The woman was tackled to the ground and a heavy weight laid upon my chest. She was flipped over and resticted, with her fists up and held together.

It was unbearable to see the fifteen year old girl beg for her life. She knew there was nothing she could do but it was in the hands on a man, whom didn't care about her well being.

He let out a sinister laugh and I'm sure he had a smile to match, and lunged for her neck, let the piercing scream take over.



I was shaked awake to see a worried Mason on top of me. I creased my brow and sighed, trying to shake these feelings away.

"Are you okay? Your really warm..." Mason put his hand on my head and I knew I was warm, I could feel it.

Mason sighed, "This is the third night you didn't sleep right. Are you okay? I'm seriously worried, Cassadee." He sounded desperate and it scared me.

I sat up and tried to calm down even more. I didn't open my eyes but I could feel the sun streaming in through the blinds of my room. Mason followed me and rubbed my back. I laid back down on him, holding me up.

I stayed in that position for a while, thinking.

Why did I have these dreams? What's wrong with me? It's been different every time and had different people but always the same scenario; a girl, an unknown fear, and a sinister man chasing her. It all ends the same, the throat being ripped out and a piercing scream. The women were always beautiful and I was envious of them. They had the perfect hair for their era, the perfect body that men adore, and face that anyone would kill for.

Needing some time, I went into the bathroom and showered. I mostly stood there and ran soap quickly. I wanted my mind to be cleared and not have to think of death and sorrow anymore.

Mason wasn't the only one getting scared. I was petrified. I've never had these dreams before, so why now? I could feel my body getting anxious and I knew it was time to get out of the shower.

I put on some ripped jeans and a long sleeved, black shirt. I let my hair go natural and my makeup the same. I left Mason in my room and tended to Manny. Walking into the kitchen, breakfast already made, I began making the crying baby stop.

I poured Mason some coffee and I knew he liked it black and strong. I smiled at him and took a seat on him.

"What do you plan on doing today?" I asked him, hoping he wouldn't be doing much.

He swallowed and set his mug down, "I actually have to head home and finish some bills and things."

I sighed and laid back into him, not wanting him to go. I had a few days off and had no idea what I would be doing. I know that Manny was going to daycare because I needed some time and I wasn't sure what I wanted.


"What are you going to be doing?" He asked, knowing it wouldn't be interesting.

Another sigh, something I've been doing a lot lately, and a shrug answered his question. He kissed my head, understanding my question.

It wasn't long before he had to leave, Manny and I were on the couch watching T.V., and Damon walked through the door.

"Hey." I said, happy to see him. I missed him because he hasn't been home for a while.

He had a huge smile on his face. It didn't take me long to figure out what had happened and what he had done. My face turned beet red and I didn't want to even think about it. I was glad he was happy though.

He sat down and watched T.V. with us. It became late and I started to feel... different.

I'm not sure what caused me to ask, "Damon, can you watch Manny. I gotta go out."

He of course agreed and let me leave. I didn't shower but changed into black, yoga shorts, a red tank top with a black, Hollister hoodie over it, and my Nike's. I had my hair down and straight, makeup still leftover from yesterday, my hood up, and I walked out, without saying goodbye. I just started walking, glad the cold breeze was hitting my legs. I was too warm and felt like I was going insane. My brain wasn't even thinking but going four hundred miles per hour.

I started to run, not sure where I was going. It just felt right and nice to let my mind go.

I didn't even look where I was going but followed the pavement. I didn't want to know where I was because it was dark and lonely. There weren't many lights and many times I was alone.


I stopped and huffed out breaths. I turned around to see an athletic man. He looked older but strong. He studied me and smiled.

"Look, I'm not looking for a good time. So, if you excuse me," I said, not wanting any trouble.

"No, that's not what I wanted to ask. Please, just give me a minute of your time..."

"I seriously don't have time, sorry."

I left him and he tried to stop me but I continued. He stopped and called out to me, making me stop in my tracks.

"So, you don't want to know what's been happening to you?"

I turned around and stomped to him, getting real close.

"You know?"

He nodded and started walking. I followed, because it's what felt right. I looked around, noticing I was in the bad and abandoned part of this little town. He went down some stairs behind a building and I followed.

It looked like his house. I didn't imagine they could be this nice in this part of town. He looked to the couch and I took a seat. I waited for him to come back with some water and he sat across from me.

"I know you. I know you better than you do yourself. I believe your going to have a hard time comprehending this as you should. Most of them never did take lightly to this subject but with your attitude, I imagine it being worse."

"Thanks." Sarcasm drenching my voice as I sipped on the water.

"My name is Ammon and I have a reason for everything that is happening to you. So, where would you like to start?"

I thought, "The nightmares."

He nodded slowly. "Well, that explains the bags." I rolled my eyes, "Every woman that goes through this will experience different things, signs, and you must've had dreams. Tell me, Cassadee, what happened in your dreams and what you think it means?"

I sighed, not sure how to talk about it. I never did but if he knew, why not?

"It starts with a beautiful girl running from someone. The girls are always gorgeous and from different times and places. The will run, scream, kick and do anything to get away from the guy that comes and eats their throat."

He nodded, like a therapist would, "What do you think it means to you?"

I frowned, thinking.

"Am I going to die?"

"Well, everyone dies but, I don't think that's the answer."

I thought long and hard, my mind not comprehending it. I didn't want to I just wanted to feel right. I felt like I was crazy and I just wanted to die.

"I'll tell you. You, Cassadee Santana, are the new vampire slayer and I am your watcher."

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