10; Together

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So, what do you guys think she is? I'll bet you'll never guess!!!


Waking up from a sleep I didn't feel like I was in, I groaned.  I didn't work today and I had nothing planned. I was happy but felt like I was expecting something. It was like my heart wanted something and it was irritating me at the moment. I felt like a part of me was missing but I didn't know what part or where to look for it. 

Shrugging the feeling off, I jumped into the shower. I washed everything off from the previous nights and hopefully the feeling of confusion. That's when I had noticed something. 

The small incision was no longer there. A fait line took it's place and it was barely noticeable. I frowned and looked at it, spending most of my time poking and prodding it. 

I stepped out and dried myself. I was still confused about myself but let it go. There's nothing I could do about it now. 

I changed into a white t-shirt with some Nike design on the front about doing something. I was never sure why they would've chose that to be their slogan. I next had on some black and white Adidas shorts. I wiped off the makeup from yesterday and some of the remnants were left there. I didn't mind because it looked like I had done it. I let my hair go natural. 

I had gotten Manny from his room where he had already been awake. I cooed the small child and admired how much he'd grown.  He had been making some noises and had been trying to walk. I kissed the small head and made my way into the kitchen. 

A note laid across the counter where Damon knew i would see it.  I read it quickly and surprisingly. His hand-writing was the worst I've ever seen.   The note had sad he was out with Maggie and some of the boys. I smiled and went about my day. 

It was around noon when a slam of the door woke me from me happy haze. Instead it was replaced by a panic and a rising heart-beat. I looked to the door to me my father staggering and he was mad. i wasn't sure why, he's would usually be happy to be home after a while. 

I swallowed hard and dropped the plate i was working  on. I went closer to Manny, not sure of what my father would do. 

He started to stutter and take another swig of whatever was in the glass bottle. It was cheap but did it's purpose. It numbed the pain I knew he was secretly feeling. 

"Dad, why don't you go lay down and I'll wake you when dinner's done." I suggested in the nicest way possible. Apparently he didn't think so. 

Out of nowhere, my father swung his arm and chucked the bottle towards me. Everything happened in slow motion. The bottle seemed to slow down along with everything else. I quickly rose my hand to where the bottle was going to and and when my eyes adjusted to make everything the normal speed, it was nothing like I'd expect. I had caught the bottle but it had broke on impact. Manny started to cry while my father stomped off to his room.  I was glad when my hand didn't bleed or even tear. 

Okay, maybe I'm more crazy than I had thought. No, I was now insane and needed some serious help.

I had took the car keys and a balling little boy and head out of the house. I sat in the car until Manny had calmed down. Once he was sleeping again, I had tucked him into his car seat and fled the place I called home. I ran my fingers through my hair as I drove around the park. I wasn't sure where I was going but I knew it felt right. 

It couldn't have been right if I had run out of road but something told me to keep going. I mean, it's not like I have anything to do or anywhere to be. 

The trees were made into gaps and enough to get a car through. I frowned when the familiar building came into sight. A house that I had been to and loved every moment of being there. I smiled at it. There were may children running around and women tending to them. A few men were playing around outside. 

Well, this is awkward for me. I am in a car looking at the house of a man I absolutely adored. 

I shut the car off and took Manny out. I walked out with him on my hip. I got a few glances and smiles. I repaid them and kept walking. I frowned, this house is huge and Mason might not even be home. 

Scratch that, Mason's here. I watched through the window as his back perked up and he turned around with a confused face until it broke out in a smile. I giggled when he sprinted to the door and opened it. 

"Cassadee... what a nice surprise. Come on in."

 I walked in and took a look around. The house was pretty and looked lived in. Well, the size and amount of people here I could only guess it would be.  There were a few couches before a kitchen. I had followed Mason into a family room where a few children were roaming with older siblings and other family members sit across the couches and talk. 

We walked a little ways before we came into a room that had a few children in it. They were old enough to be left alone and were playing together nicely. There was a few couched and a ton of toys. I'm guessing this is where most of the small children play. 

I set Manny down next to some trucks and let Mason drag me to one of the couches.  He sat down and I followed. He wrapped an arm around me and for the first time in a few hours, I felt safe. I felt as if I was at home. I snuggled up closely and watched the children play with the abundant amount of toys. 

"I"m actually really happy you stopped over. I needed someone to take my mind off things." Mason said, kissing the top of my head and pulling me closer if possible. 

I sighed, "Same here. I wasn't sure where I was going but I wanted to be next to you." I said, not even panicking too much. I just wanted to say and feel everything without denial. 

I let myself relax and not think and it's one of the best feelings ever. 

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