30; Winner?

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That part I said earlier about the war, being over was true but only for a new one to begin. One I had, yet again, brought upon myself.

Who would win me?

My father was currently one side, Mason and Damon, vampires had vanished once they realized they were outnumbered by werewolves, and lastly, Cesar's pack.

The counsel had gone back to their temple, deciding they couldn't be troubled by petty problems.

"Who the hell are you!" Mason yelled to Cesar.

Cesar smirked arms crossed, looking unphased by Mason get in his face. "Well, Alpha Mason," Cesar was smug as ever, "While you were out with another shewolf, Cassie and I got a chance to know each other. I was by her side, getting here safe, talking to her. Spending time with her-"

"Boy, if you plan on keeping that smart ass mouth of yours, I suggest you keep it quiet," My father piped in.

Dad was actually being pleasant for today. He was smoking, looking like he gave up drinking and took up cigarettes. He lit the stick, inhaled deeply, blew out in a sigh before speaking again, "She's my daughter, but old enough to make her own decisions. Ultimately, it is her decision,"

People looked to me. I wasn't sure what I wanted anymore. I did know, that now I had my father back, I didn't want to let go. I had found a friend in Cesar. Damon was always there for me and he was like my second child. I had Manny to think about too. Then I had my mate. The person who taught me to have fun, how to love, and who made me happy.I swallowed hard.

"I love you all. I really do. Why do I have to choose? Wouldn't it just be nice to live in peace, just for a little while? We could all band together, that way, no one would have to choose. We could do something no one ever thought of! Two Alphas, two Lunas, two Packs, one Slayer. It could work. We would be the strongest pack, take down all evil, no one could tread on us,"

That came out of my ass, never thought of it until now.

Mason sighed. Cesar looked at me in awe, and everyone was curious.

"Alright, let's all go home, think it over a bit, and go from there? Sound good? Any objections so far?"

No one answered. I sighed and turned to my dad, "I'm going home with you," I turned to Mason, "I will be picking up Manny, Damon should come too. I'll be living at my father's for the duration of the time being, until then, keep in touch. Let's set up a few meetings. Two days? Sound fair? Let's meet at Mason's pack house for it. I'll need just the Alpha's, Beta's, and Luna's if any. Understood?"

"Yes," Was said in unison.

I took another deep breath and turned to my father He gave me a proud smile, threw an arm around my shoulder and turned me in the other direction.

"Let's go home, baby girl,"

Those last two words alone, caused tears to form in my eyes.

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