31; As They Should

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It's been a few weeks and honestly this situations couldn't have turned out better.

Two packs, two Alphas, and me. The two Alphas got along well but would have their moments that looked like they wanted to kill each other and if it weren't for me, they would.

I was still at my father's house with Manny. Damon stayed in the pack house where he was needed but made it a point to come see me everyday.

"He misses you, you know that, right?"

I dropped the cup I was cleaning and glanced to Damon. He was sitting across from my father who had his nose in the paper, cigarette hanging out of his mouth. Damon was looking at me intently.

"Oh?" Was all I could say.

He sighed, "I know he did some really bad stuff. Everyone knows and hates him for it. But he's pathetic without you,"

"He hasn't even come over to see me," I said, it hurt more than I would let on.

"He thinks you hate him and want nothing to do with him-"

"He wouldn't be wrong." I said, going back to washing dishes.

"Really, sis? Do you really feel that way? Cause what I see if someone who is too proud and too damn stubborn she loves and misses someone,"

And with that, Damon stormed out of the house.

Anger coursed through me as I threw down the cup, shattering it. I turned around, hands on the counter to support me and let out a sob. I couldn't handle this.

Dad folded him paper and flicked the ash off his stick.

"Daddy, what do I do?" I cried to him.

My father looked at me and took a long drag.

"Well, I can't tell you what to do. But, I will tell you something. I'm just like you, Cassadee. You are my child, there's no doubt about it. I wasted half my life dwelling on something and it effected the people I didn't want to hurt. Sometimes, you just have to suck it up, and go,"

I didn't need to be told anymore.

"I'll be back later. Don't forget to feed Manny,"

He chuckled and shook his head as I made my way outside and to the car.

I don't think I've driven a car so fast in the past few weeks. I didn't have anything or anyone chasing me. I had somewhere to be and I was determined to get there.

The pack house was just as I had remembered it, minus the people. No one happy. They were all moping and the children just sitting, their ball not even close to them. This was the side effects of an Alpha. A very unhappy and unsatisfied Alpha.

Some perked up at the sight of me and I couldn't help the small smiles I gave them.

I left the car and stormed into the house that I once called home.

All I wanted was to be in the arms I called home.

I knew where I could find him. I knew his office was his place, his space to be away. His space where he could do all the things that needed to get done and not have to move.

I didn't knock but I slammed the door shut behind me. I fell back to it, now starting to worry about the concequence.

But, one look at my mate, that fear went away.

He was shocked, staring up at me. His hair was over-grown and wet from a shower he must've taken. He didn't bother to shave, but his hair was full yet.

It didn't take him long at all to be on my lips. I kissed him back as he held me up against the wall. Our kiss was fast, urgent, and full of emotion. My knees got weak but were strong enough to be wrapped around Mason's waist.

I needed to breath. I pulled away and Mason trailed kisses all the way down my neck, jaw, and collar bones. Wherever he could reach.

He pulled away from the door and opened it, without taking his hands and lips off of me. He had me, and he wasn't letting go this time.

His bedroom door was shut after we entered. His bed was made and soft under my back. I scooted up the bed, making Mason follow. When I got to where I wanted, Mason didn't stop until he was on top of me. I wasn't complaining.

"I've missed you," I said, just looking into his eyes.

I couldn't read his emotions but my bet was that he was feeling too many he couldn't decipher what to feel.

"I love you, so, so much. Saying I missed you would be an understatement. I will never, ever, let you leave again,"

With that being said, we continued to enjoy our night together. As mates should.

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