6; That's It

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"He what!?" Emily yelled out in shock and happiness.

"He like found me and wants to take me out today." I repeated, with the phone pressed between my shoulder and ear. 

"Wow. That's freaking awesome! I'll take over and pick Manny up. Just please don't get pregant or get killed and have fun. I'm starting to like this guy. You should've saw his face when you were dancing with him."

I listened while Manny was eating and I was making Damon breakfast. I was hoping he would take it good when I told him.

"He looked like he was going to die! Ah! But, I'll let you get going and talk to that brother of yours." She joked.

I giggled. "Thanks again. "

"Anytime with something like this. Love ya."

"Love ya too. Bye."

We hung up and I moved the food over to the table.  Damon's friends were just now waking up to the smell of food and made their ways to the table. I walked over to Manny and helped him. I was still working on teaching him how to talk. It's weird because most people would work on trying to teach them to say mommy or daddy. I want him to say Cassadee or Cassie or anything close to my name. Damon had tried with his name but he just doesn't seem to get it. 

Damon walked in the kitchen, without a word. He made the smiles and laughter die down and soon, everything was quiet. The only thing to be heard was the clinking offf plates and silverware. I wasn't sure how to approach the topic.

"So, Damon, what do you have planned for today?" I asked, in a cheerful voice. 

Everyone kinda stopped and looked to him. He looked directly at me with a knowing look in his eyes. 

"I have baseball."

"Oh? Is that like everyday?" I asked, honestly. 


He was still upset. I was starting to get extremely tired of it. 

"You know, Damon, I don't know what your problem is. I'm just gonna come out and say what I wanted to say. I have plans today and can't pick you up."

Once I said it, a weight lifted off my shoulders and I scared looked up to him. He looked blank. He knows I don't explode and that was a small one.  I couldn't read it but it didn't look mad.

"Well, have fun." He said and got up and went into the bathroom. 

I sighed and everything seemed to go faster. Emily had stopped over and took Manny. Damon and his friends had left because they decided they wanted to walk. I hopped into the shower and had to decide what to wear. 

Before getting too stressed about my clothes, I decided to call Mason. He had answered on the fourth ring with much excitement.


"HI, Mason. It's Cassadee."

"Hi, Cassadee, how are you doing?"

"I'm good, thank you. I just wanted to call and tell you I can go out with you today, if you're still up for it." I asked, with a smile on my face just from hearing his voice. 

"Of course!"

I told him my address and he said he would pick me up in a half hour. He seemed really excited and I was too.  He said he would get food and told me not to worry about anything. I told him I would bring my own things but he said he could handle everything. 

It's not that I didn't trust him, it's that I know men usually forget things. I told him I was bringing some things and he agreed and said it was fine.  I smiled through the phone call and he said he would be leaving then so, we finally hung up.

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